Skeleton Glyph for Shadow Hounds

Having an ability for dark ranger that summons hounds on black arrow’s effect is a nice nod to the Warcraft 3 hero, but the fact that it feels like a nod to warcraft 3 makes me wish it had a glyph that let you turn your dark hounds summoned by the skill into skeletons like the wc3 dark ranger’s black arrow did.

That’s all, really. With the upcoming overhaul to dark ranger soon, having a glyph added like this would be the cherry on top


Blizzard has mosjust abandoned the Glyphs. There’s been a lot of great suggestions on them. Like a glyph that copied the appearance of your active pet over to Animal Companion , so you didn’t need to tame two of same pet.

However, Glyphs are just another idea forgotten about like Archaeology.


Yeah seems like it. Ive seen a few posts about an arcane shot glyph (bring back old visuals) but so far theyve fallen on deaf ears.

Most if not all but one of my pets is a skeletal Hellhound, I agree, it would just really help complete the fantasy, also maybe up the passives while we’re at it? Dark Ranger barely feels anymore impactful visually or mechanically than Packleader which… is just summoning one extra pet.

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Glyphs would help add to RP, and give some Hero talents more appeal visually. Pack Leader is boring to watch, but some Glyphs that have more flare could make it’s abilities more exciting.


I mean that’s not entirely true. Next patch they’re apparently adding a couple glyphs for shaman’s ascendance form in response to the reception of the new ascendance model, so they’re now just relegated to a strictly cosmetic feature for important things people want.

I think if we show we want skeleton minions badly enough, they could very well add them as a glyphable option, especially since there are already models for various skeleton minions in the game

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We been asking for a fix to BM AoE, and how long has that taken? I doubt they take the time to give Hunters some cosmetics.

I think this was in response to the MASSIVE amount of posts pre TWW launch right? I wouldnt use this example myself considering whole rows of feedback were talking about how the old ascendance model was from cata… But maybe youre right, at least I hope so.

if anything it means theyre willing to add glyphs for some things if people ask for it loudly enough


To be honest I barely notice the doggos when they are out. They are so small compared to the other pets they just disappear.

On a similar note. I wish there was a glyph for Huntmaster’s that changed the wolves to either current pet or stable pets. They don’t match my pet themes at all and are a huge eyesore whenever they are on screen.


Also at 10% chance they never even really appear to begin with… in fact the entirety of Dark Ranger is just…sporadic unnoticeable %procs?

Yeah, visually it’s very underwhelming. Especially if you weigh it against something like DK’s Rider of the Apocalypse.


well the spec is getting a pretty big overhaul in the next patch, and the visual identity is getting strengthened a lot, but as far as i know there still isn’t a way to spawn skeletons instead of hounds, which I really think they should add