Skada, Details, or Recount

Which is a good meter to use? I’ve been told Details or Skada, but I have been using Recount for so long that when I tried swapping I kept messing something up.

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Details. It’s very efficient and you can have multiple windows (HPS/DPS) without much difficulty. I was a long time recount user, then dabbled in skada, finally found details and haven’t looked back.

Skada can do the same thing, but it just doesn’t feel “right” to me … just my two pennies.


Details or Skada, delete Recount ASAP.


Details. I too started out with recount then went skada and finally saw the light in details. by far the best of the 3


I’ve wanted to know if I should switch too.

I currently use Recount.
I don’t like how there’s no real way to “anchor” / snap it to a specific location.
I always have to re-size the window for every character. Pretty annoying.

Do the other ones let you stick it in the corner and be done with it?

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Recount is trash.


Recount isn’t accurate. You should make the switch to Details.


My story as well. Details was a bit tricky for me at the start (I kept opening new windows like crazy) but now it’s pretty easy to navigate.

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I used to have Skada, then I switched to Details.

You can lock the window with Details so it doesn’t move. You can also make profiles for each character. What I do is have my alts use the same Details profile as my main’s (this DK).


Wow, thank you so much for recommending this.

Yeah, details is great. Haven’t used it for 5 minutes but it puts recount to shame. Completely destroys it.

Yeah this is great. I should have done this earlier. Wow. :smiley:


Details is by far the best.


Another vote for Details from me! I’ve used Skada before Details, they both work great. But Details just has more features. The only advantage of Skada I can see is that it uses less memory.

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Details may be better. But FYI, you are able to lock Recount into a spot, such as a lower corner.

Details is the highest rated for accuracy and efficiency.

Skada if you have loading/memory/space issues as it requires fewer computer resources.

Recount is way down at the bottom for accuracy and efficiency according to the IcyVeins ratings…

I used to use Skada, I switched to Details and while it does have a bit of a learning curve, it’s really nice.

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Details is the best, but unfortunately alot of people don’t even look at or use everything it does.

Um you guys know this is a 2 year old thread right?

Did you really necro this thread to give advice to a man that made up his mind 2 years ago?


Necroing a thread is better than making a new one, as long as it is still relevant.

This is still a relevant discussion. My vote also goes to Details.

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Jesus, how many necromancers we have on this forum?


details has profiles yeah

you customize it once, then just select the profile on all your alts and it’s the exact same

details is by far the best of the 3

skada and recount are both pretty dated