Six second pet summon approaches class breaking

Oh wow I didn’t even consider this… What a good point… Our guard technically has 15% less health when we spec into consumption… Blizzard really needs to do something about this mess… The can take back the garbage fel Domination and give us our 2 sec summona back.

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I feel like this is the bone they threw at forum-hard people to talk on, but the real issue is the class itself. This 6s summon is not going to hit live, a hard obviously I think.

They are wasting our time with this discussion instead of us focusing on the real problem: we demonology warlocks didn’t get a thing on this 2 years long waited expansion, other than borrowed powers and the mandatory legendaries.

We are just a class placeholder atm… is sad.

I disagree. The problem is this happens every expansion, they announce a change to warlock that nobody can understand why and they never clarify. When they are told it is a bad change, they give us banaids to fix the problem they just caused and tell us its good for us because we are using buttons to solve problems.

Oh i agree demo needs to be straightened out, but warlocks as a whole are missing a chunk of what we should be. Some of our tooltips have been incorrect for 2 years (doom), We have lost the ability to summon doomguards, we for some reason after becoming the strongest mortal warlock (and summoner in the case of demo) cannot bind greater demons, we lost the ability to turn into demons (though i thoroughly remember demonhunters in wc3 shooting bolts of chaos at range).

The problem here is blizzards vision for warlocks. It is super vague. We lack mobility AND have high hast times, and superior durability only counters one of those issues. They wont let us tame demons though we have been through 2 demon expansions and hunters now get to tame things that arnt even classified as beasts. They have lost their vision on what demons and demonic forces mean to us and it almost feels like they are pushing us away from embracing it fully.

Sorry if its hard to follow, scatterbrained.


I gotta agree. They really don’t get what some of our specs should be. They keep introducing cast times on demonology, when it just feels it just feels like an archaic caster design of old.

The hilarious part of pets, is in the world of azeroth how are hunters able to tame undead and demons that they classified as beast or whatever nonsense they classifying them to give them to hunters but the one class who should be able to be up here summoning a variety of demons is left with the same demon as far as 5 expansions ago.

By now we should have a wide variety to choose from but something is going on where their like nope not giving anything to this spec even though they wanna call us a demonic summoner.

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That’s not an excuse to ignore the class’s feedback or actively make it worse and he should know that. :T
I don’t want to be indirectly told by the devs to not play a class they bothered to spend time even coding into the game gdi. That’s just a bad mindset to have in developing a game like this.


bumping this; and noting in CTA skirmishes today around NewHome today involving about 15v15 over about 20 mins my felguard died about 4 times. The 2 sec rez time for FG was manageable. A six second time would have not been.

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