What do you think they’re really doing with those 6 hrs?
Plunderstorm just needs to be activated.
Long lunch. Good for them.
Yes yes, and bugs need to be kept broken too.
Log into Moonguard so they can finally have playtime in Goldshire for themselves.
Refilling the salt bucket at the vault
Is today a 6 hour maintenance?
Nevermind - I see the notice now. oh well, its a good excuse to go make cookies
Gerbils and hamsters need a spa day. Running those wheels can be tiring!
long maintenance for something i dont care for.
what a day to be alive
Swap them out with some blood elves.
Who knows. Game is constantly having problems so doing their job isnt probably a real concern im sure.
It takes a few hours to install all that booty.
I’m doubting it’s as simple as flipping a switch.
Could also be fixing a number of other issues plaguing the base game as well.
Meanwhile retail TWW has game breaking bugs since TWW alpha!
Is it no wonder classic WoW is more popular?
Thanks for the into but I don’t care about smelly ole pirates
Incase anyone is interested - its Snickerdoodle day!
It’s their way of telling us they already know what players will do and rush Plunderstorm and to go take naps because they know there is a portion of players that will stay up all night at it.
Blood Elves just need to flip their hair a few times and that is all the energy the servers would need to run for the day.
Time to do a lot of laundry, clean up around the place and get to chores I didn’t want to do before.
It’s also a good time to work on some drawing, while thinking about what to have for lunch. (This is a very important decision!)
Or a few Earthen could move into the server rooms and use the wires cut from our beards to super charge the servers.