< Six Feet Deep > | Horde | NA | PvP-East | Raiding | Kromcrush
Originally from Dragonmaw. Many of us have still played since the game was released. We’re also in the annuals of WoW history, seriously, look it up
(don’t worry the original GM is back). First and foremost we are a Raiding Guild. We are mainly comprised of individuals that are working professionals and/or married with duties that can occupy our time outside of the game. Many of us have played WoW in particular for many years together through the majority of the endgame content. Having done so we have come to appreciate the value of friendship and camaraderie that is developed when playing this game with good people. We look for people who remember and respect that when they wear the guild tag, their actions reflect upon our server presence in game.
- Completion of Content - Players that know Classic WoW
- A relaxed, fun and semi-CASUAL raiding environment
- Adult, mature and modest players to interact with
- A great sense of community and belonging
- Are mature, over 18 years
- Possess a working microphone and are not afraid to use it
- Possess a stable internet connection and a raid capable computer that will not explode
- Skilled Player who is skilled in the class that you play
- Excellent Attitude - No negativity. A positive personality that synchronizes with the rest of the guild is an asset
Raiding will be our focus, with PvP as enjoyable additional activities. We enjoy having to wade through Alliance fools as we make our way to the Raid instance 
Warriors: CLOSED
Warlocks: Low
Priests: Low Heals
Shamans: Low Heals / Enhancement
Hunters: Medium
Rogues: Medium
Mages: Low
Druids: Low
RAID TIMES (Subject to Flexibility or Adjustment):
Fri: 9pm - 12am CT
Sat: 9pm - 12am CT
Sun: Cleanup Day
Join Us, Make a Difference, Aim for Server Firsts: discord.gg/8cwSdfx
Fun times to be had by all!!
Forsakens Finest is looking for our old friends! It’s been a long time so hit me, (Rodack) up on battlenet and let’s relive the good times!!
Hey Rodack, please contact me via BattleTag if interested
Otherwise you might have accidently posted in the wrong thread…
Looking for more for < SFD >!
i think me and a few of my friends would be interested.
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Our discord link is at the bottom of the post, or my B-Tag is Slackshot#11254
Looking for more Raider Types! FOR THE HORDE!
Where are the Warriors that want to DPS? I wouldn’t have thought that would be difficult to find and fill…
Hope that everyone got their name.
Indeed. Now is the time to get your names reserved for Classic, I’m sure many have been taken already.
Join us! We have a great group of experienced players from day 1. We still seek Fury Wars, Rogues, Druids and others to fill the raid roster. Anyone is welcome regardless of previous experience or class. We’re always happy to help if you have any questions message an officer above.
Soon to be Vashti, Troll Hunter/Milktruck Tauren Warrior
Definitely a laid back raid guild that welcomes anyone who wants to come hang out and kill some bosses.
The raid team is really coming together. Come secure your spot for the party 
Guild is shaping up well. Seems like a friendly, well organized crew. High need for fury wars!
These guys seem pretty chill for people so motivated to clear content quickly, I like it so far.
Still seeking a few more active players for our skilled roster. Fury wars, mage, rogue, resto sham ideal additions. Don’t hesitate to check us out if you have a different class in mind!
I’m actually here to recruit for my gaming community, but I just wanted to say I love the attitude you guys have. Rock on, and as always
Great people, great guild. We could use more people to round out the raid group. Especially warriors. Come and stop by and see what we’re about!