Hi all,
I am the former GM/RL of a 3/10M guild here on Illidan. A couple of weeks ago we reached a point where the fight against the roster boss was no longer sustainable. Everyone knows that story.
Anyway, some of us would like to continue mythic raiding to push for CE, and are seeking a new team. Our availability is Tuesday and Thursday nights 8-11 P.M. CST.
We are all 3/10M SoD minimum, consistent and reliable players who are competent with our classes. We are looking for a guild with a roster at or just below 20 players already, minimum. And we would prefer a guild that is already stable and comfortably operating a rotating bench. We are not interested in groups trying to maintain exactly 20 players all wanting a “guaranteed raid spot”. We understand that a small rotating bench is a requirement to push further and handle normal attendance issues throughout tiers.
Apart from that, we like to have a good laugh so we want a group with a good sense of humor with a discord channel for Crom and Rako to post memes. Lastly, we’re not interested in any toxicity or insane egos.
We are:
Spacefrog (myself) BM Hunter
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/illidan/spacefrog
Cromintan Blood/Frost DK
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/thrall/cromintan
Forcefulfury Havoc DH
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/illidan/forcefulfury
Justii BM Hunter
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/tichondrius/justii
Kokorochiba Holy Priest
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/kokorochiba
Rakohoki Shadow/Holy Priest
warcraftlogs dot com/character/us/thrall/rakohoki
If you think we might be a good fit, please comment below or reach out to me on Discord.
Spacefrog#2403 (Discord)