Siren isle uncovered mystries vrykul gravesite searched

I cannot end this quest because the Vrykul Gravesite cannot be done, i cannot reach the stone carver’s scramseax SHOULDN’T THAT BE sCREAMSAXE?

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I am having the same problem…I have searched every inch several times…left and came back in, totally exited game and came back in a searched again and it will not complete the Brykul Gravesite even though it completed the other 2…really frustrating.

I am also having the same issue.

I can’t complete this quest. I use the eye to uncover the chest in the Vrykul Graveyard, but when I go to loot the chest I get the message “There is no loot”.

Bugged and unable to complete this quest. Please fix asap.

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I thought i was crazy. Glad i checked the interwebs!

+1 Also having this issue

Outside the instance there is a small circle area, walk to the center a activate the ability icon that appears to open a chest.

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The chest will say “There is no loot” though after revealing it.

I’m just trying to find the location of the the Vykrul Graveyard…

Jan 2nd and its still bugged. I see others interact with it, but I can’t. Annoying :roll_eyes:

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The graveyard is located immediately outside of the instance. Its not in the third room below ground, although the map would suggest it. Hope I helped clear some quest logs!

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Yep, same.