Siren Isle Shuddering Hollow Event Bugged

Adding my name to the long list

The theory I’ve seen floating around on-server is that this one is different because it’s the only one of the three you can break into early. For some reason, while the kobolds work, the animation of the wall falling will happen a few times while the timer counts down and people can slip in, which may contribute to the early collapse and the early end of the Bonus Objective.

It’s all theories at this point though.

We figured out that if you tank him in the back corner. You can get the gem. No one should stand near the front/door. If someone stands near the front/door and he charges at them. The bonus objective instantly disappears. We all stood against the wall and fought him and received the gem. We tried tanking him back there once before that but someone stood at the door the instant he charge them bam the objective disappeared.


Blizzard is a very small company that can’t afford Quality Assurance or Customer Support let alone bug testing or fixing. I’m still waiting for them to fix the dismount bug from Razageth in Season 1 of Dragonflight. I have no idea why you think they’d be able to launch an event with assets for over 5 years ago without having any bugs. It’s really silly if you think about it.


adding my 2c that it’s bugged and not receiving the reward for completing.

After five or six tries on different shards (WM on and WM off) we had everyone run in and not attack until we were across the room. I wedged myself in a corner and everyone stacked on boss. Finally killed it and got it to drop. Just watch your bonus objectives. As long as it’s still up you get it, but it seems to drop very easily. Good luck


Can confirm, was just in a group that did this

Yup it keeps bugging out and some people are taunting and running out to bug it sigh

Blizzard fix your product please.


we did the same… we tanked him in the back right corner… and worked with both gems

It’s so frustrating when you get everyone on the same page, but can’t communicate with the other faction so inevitably the pull gets screwed.


Just had the fill up bar stop at 7% and then say the Event was completed…maybe tied to that?

Edit: Second time it rolled over it said event completed at 0% contribution.

This is embarrassing.

Blizz needs to test their game.

With all the other folks stating that there’s some pattern to why this happens and some way to get this done, that appears to be untrue. I’m well into 30-40 kills, and I’ve seen it start completely out of nowhere on a shard with 3 people hitting him and him not even having charged once.

Reason I am saying this is in hopes that it will reduce the number of people being jerks about this, or generating more myths about how it works.


this may be true but you should not have to fight that hard to get the event done it is not like they are timed or anything

tried this multiple times tonight and no luck; trying for fathomdweller’s but can’t get it.

Did the event, nothing. Waited in front of it. When it got activated again, the gem just spawned in my inventory…
What is this…

Not sure what to do. We just tanked it in the “correct spot” without him charging or getting close to any wall and still got nothing.

happening here as well, please fix blizz!

It’s completely wild that this hasn’t been fixed at this point. Can’t get any bis citrines because the entire zone he’s in is bugged and glitching. Unacceptable.