Siphon Life vs. Writhe in Agony

I have 3 wracking brilliance, 2 sudden onset and 1 inevitable demise traits right now, and can’t decide which route I want to go between these two talents. Siphon life sims out at 300 dps better for me patchwork 5 mins etc. It actually sims better in most situations for 1 boss 5 minute fights…add in a 2nd boss and writhe in agony comes out on top by a decent amount.

I’m starting to do some mythics and such and have started raiding again, and I can’t decide which of these two talents I should go with. So any advice would be greatly appreciated…I’d love to hear arguments for both.

Writhe in agony + creeping death + 2 sudden onset (or 3) means your agony damage goes from ~24k to 40k

That alone is more of a dps increase than the ~11k that siphon life does, and you don’t have to waste a gc.

Also you will find on trash fights or bosses with adds that the fast ticking agony will have your inevitable demise at 50 stacks very often, and with 2 stacks of that + haunt and unstable affliction I have seen drain life tick for 30k every 0.9 seconds.

It isn’t demo level aoe but I have been pulling 30k+ on trash with this setup.

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SL for single target, WiA for multidot+cleave assuming you can keep agony up the whole time (SO just makes this stronger and stronger). that’s a pretty sick trait setup for multidot for sure