Sinister strike or backstab

sub specced rogue. do I use sinister strike, or backstab when in dungeons?

Use backstab if you can position yourself behind the target consistently.

If for any reason the target turns to you, just sinister until you can reposition.


What about a hemo build? Is that any good in 1.12?

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mele groups seem to enjoy it lol

It’s a PvP spec. It’ll never come close to Combat Swords.


So either go combat daggers or swords or bust? How big of a difference are these builds for dungeons and raids?

Combat swords is the superior spec, but only because it is more well rounded. Backstab in dungeons does tons of damage but subtlety spec will hamper you a bit, even with daggers combat is the preferable tree to go down. Positioning isn’t a problem, you can use feint to drop aggro in most cases. If you reach max energy after feinting and you still haven’t lost aggro then by all means use sinister strike. You will be picking up Imp. SS anyway in the combat tree on your way to Imp. Backstab, since the only alternative is +2% dodge which is neither here nor there.

If you’re Subtlety, you’d probably be using Hemorrhage.

For PvE? Not really.

Pretty big, and the gap grows larger as your gear gets better. Combat Daggers needs good daggers (so basically, once you can get them in raids) to be comparable, and even then it’s not as good just because of how good Sword Spec is (even more with HoJ and WF totem). Once Naxx rolls around, you can go Seal Fate Daggers, but that requires a lot of gear to be competitive.

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This is pretty much it.

Combat Daggers with Backstab is great for big crits, but BS is expensive and takes alot of time to pool. It’s also only optimal when playing with a tank that can keep the target’s back on you. If your soloing Combat Swords is best.

I am considering swapping Swords but I just don’t want to give up those delicious, delicious, BS crits.

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Backstab does solid damage while leveling (and at 60), but Combat is all about efficiency and the amount of white hits you get (and the individual hits being more damage). If you’re not dungeon grinding, which is unlikely as a DPS, Combat is far and away better than Subtlety. Being unable to Backstab (or having to Gouge -> regen -> Backstab) is a huge downside when soloing, and Combat just has more damage even then.

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Cold blood and hemo builds were common back in vanilla for pvp but combat swords is simply superior due to having consistent white damage which will make a good chunk of your total output, not requiring a specific position to use your main builder, sword spec procs, etc. It’s simply better for sustained damage and sub/assas are better for situational, extreme burst damage.

When soloing, backstab is not possible to use except as an opener from stealth and during a sap or gouge/kidney shot. Once you have cheap shot, it’s much better to use as an opener for building combat points. Thus, unless you are regularly in group content or are leveling up with friends, backstab isn’t going to see much use.

Combat swords is the best. Big dmg slow sword in main hand for beefy sinister strike hits, and a fast offhand sword was the way to go.

When was SS damage normalized btw? I remember that being nerfed at some point but not sure what patch

Using Hemo instead of backstab/sinister strike? I thought hemo was there just to put the +white dmg up lol

Hemorrhage is meant to be your builder if you’re Subtlety.

If you’re going to be using Backstab/Sinister Strike, you should probably just be Combat or Seal Fate.

In dungeons, Backstab if you’re using a dagger and specced for it. If you’re using a sword/mace, you’ll be using Hemorrhage, even over Sinister Strike as far as I know.

Im currently sub spec with hemo and daggers lol
Dps in dungeons is always top 1 - every once in awhile 2nd place.
I never have trouble with any mobs really can solo green elites easy as well up to same level or 1 below.
Im alch/herb so ive always got the needed potions to buff myself as well as always keeping poisons on.

Ambush crit is like 90% or something, so in dungeons i open with it esp on caster mobs, most mobs are dead before you can get 5cp so i keep SnD up and hemo/evis usually.

What is used depends on the mob, if its tanky then the rotation changes, caster mobs i burst down within couple seconds to few depending on crits.
800+ ambush crits is way better then garrote, rupture basically as well. Mobs just die to fast. Bleeds are good to use when big tanky packs are pulled.

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This is the rub I’ve run up against in some dungeons. Tanky mobs with high armor just plummet my dps. This is the only reason I’d consider a sub build for pve but Combat just pulls ahead in everything.

Hahhahahaha why do you keep talking about what you dont know about? Go watch some streams and be content with the disinformation streamers pass along.

Do you have evidence that Hemo is comparable to Combat Swords?