Single Minded Fury

Infuriating the way people overdramatize the whole thing. “Oh woe is me, fury uses bigger weapons, I just can’t enjoy the game.” Same thing with Frost and a couple others. If something so trite swings you from ‘I love this game’ to ‘I can’t play it’ you just don’t like the game.

I’m particularly sick of the crowd that wants SMF back and not just as a transmog because they want to be ‘fast’ again. Fury is one of the fastest specs in the history of the game, much faster than it ever was with onehanders. People complain about it being so fast it gives them wrist pain - those people are morons, or weak, but that just shows you where the argument is on Fury’s speed.

I mean what does faster than Fury is now even look like? I honestly don’t know, it already presses up on the limits of a reasonable reaction speed.


The greatest issue with that is, one handers didn’t really adjust how you played back then. And the difference between weapons, and subsequently how they impact us, is significantly lessened compared to back then.

Let’s assume for a moment, wrongly, that weapon type back in WoD made a greater difference in playstyle than it actually did. Today, it would not be as noticeable a thing. Love or hate Blizzard, they’ve done a good job normalizing the effect of weapons across the board. Monks actually care about their weapons now, warriors and others don’t live or die by them, etc.

So even assuming, again, wrongly, that the weapon type back in WoD made such a difference, it would no longer be the case. And I doubt Blizzard is going to undue the work they’ve done, unarguably good work, just to make the playstyle’s distinct on the off chance they ever give in to this rapid minority.

It’s all nothing but asinine and inane. Born of ignorance and a desire that cannot quite be expressed or specifically defined, so instead of reason it’s given a substitute of what they wrongly assume to be that desire. People loved the game when they were younger, or in a different time, so it must be that this factor or that factor was different. Surely this or that, x y and zed were the reason’s the game was once so great, and now is in it’s waning years.

I’m a numbers man. Things can, and should, be quantified, logical, accurate, and true. This false emotion, these fake ideals and idealisms, these utterly illogical and flatly foolish wants and desires; it’s all crap. I cannot lie, I’m bloody sick of it. Of people using passion to justify an argument with no foundation. “I care more so I’m right” It’s a disgrace of rationality, an assault on thought itself.


I made a thread on my DK in those forums about how the use of transmog as an option would trivialize that issue as well, but kinda got shouted down.

I think anybody who approaches the issue from anything other than an aesthetic standpoint is either lying or ignorant of aspects of the game’s history. IMO frost should get the same treatment that I propose for fury with transmog. It certainly seems like we have the technology to make it happen.

It saddens me though that more people aren’t throwing their support behind using transmog to give people what they’re asking for here. Seems like implementing this would be the fastest way to get people to stop bringing it up.


Drez you are too intellectual for my young brain.

You must write scientific papers or something.

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Just make it a xmong thing.


For Fury the transmog would be much easier to achieve. Going from DW to 2h is a little more complicated because they use different animations and the system is build for item appearance and not animations. You can equip a 2h weapon and transmog the Frost artifact over it to see how its just not in the system. The offhand does nothing during autos. Fury is going DW to DW and its only really the size of the weapon.

2h transmog for frost would be closer to working, or an even easier thing they could do is just lift the weapon restrictions and just let 2h to continue to have less DPS.

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I never said I can’t enjoy the game. I’m just saying I don’t like swinging oversized weapons around, and there are a ton of amazing 1h transmogs that I’d like to use on my Warrior. Curb your [redacted].

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It’s slightly more complicated than fury, sure, but it’s definitely not impossible. What I’d do is tweak it so that the character’s animation alternates between attacking with the main hand and then the off hand when mogging DW to 2H. Seems like an extremely easy fix, especially when you consider that Blizzard is a billion dollar company. They could add that overnight if they really wanted to.

The issue is, as far as we know, that can’t happen in the transmog system because it’s the underlying system that is the determining factor. It looks at your equipped weapon and the 2h goes in the main hand so that’s what the system goes by. It’s really not an easy thing without possibly a rewrite of several systems. Going from DW to a 2h skin is different though since there is no offhand for the skin it just uses the main hand as the auto attack timer so it’s just a faster 2h swing.

But no matter what you suggest nothing is good enough for that 2h crowd.

True, but the re-writing of those systems is something they could still easily do if they wanted to. The company that wrote them in the first place seems perfectly capable of amending them.

Maybe, maybe not. It’s not like blizzard has a great track record lol.

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