Sinful Gladiator's Mount - 2's?

So it’s been a long time since I’ve done arenas, and I can’t find this information anywhere one way or another. So, is this mount attainable by just doing 2v2’s? It used to be that you didn’t get all the rewards in 2’s that you could in 3’s/RBG’s:

Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater

I seem to do a lot better in 2’s than anything else at the moment, so, would be good to know now. I’m not sure when-ish the season will end either… (Or if there are any other rewards you cannot get in 2’s)

Negative ghost rider

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I always thought it was weird they restricted the mount to 3v3.

Getting 2.4k isn’t easy regardless of whether it’s 2v2 or 3v3 or Random Battlegrounds.

Should just give it for rated PvP.


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Back when arena required teams and each battlegroup had their own ladder, 2s, 3s and 5s all gave gladiator and r1. They removed it from 2s mid-wrath because 2s had become such a joke balancewise. They still pretty much are, which is probably why 2s gladiator didn’t come back either time that they changed gladiator, either in MoP when they removed teams and battlegroups or in BFA when they removed % and made it 2400 + 50 wins.

They say they only balance PvP around 3s (when they do any balancing at all) so it makes sense that it would be restricted to 3s only. You can still get the other rewards from 2s like the tabard and mogs/enchant, though.

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