Sinful Gladiator's, Grand Sentinel's Plate Transmog armor missing effects

The Sinful Gladiator’s Plate set and the mythic Grand Sentinel’s Greatplate effects are missing as of Dragon flight. The set (shoulders in particular) used to have a white and red respectively glow effect.


Having the same issue, its also not showing on the unchained gladiators plate, along with the mythic soulforged dreadplate (white/red) glows


Helmet and shoulders will go missing if you update your character in any way. this can be replacing gear teleporting trying to mog 1 shoulder at a time etc. the only fix is to completely close the game and re-open it and even then it only sometimes works for the shoulders with the helmet almost always loading with no effects.


This problem been going for over a week now and nobody seems to say anything about it :confused:


bump, been wondering what was going on


Not just Shadowlands gears, I’ve noticed some Gold Challenge gears (Helms and Shoulders) from MOP expansion have lost special effects as well.

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Bump as I’ve encountered this as well and it is quite annoying. Been missing on the sinful gladiator elite plate set since DF launch.

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This seems to be happening to every single shadowlands and dragonflight mythic/elite set. the glows are straight up just not present.

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Bump. Leather armor missing effects as well

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im sure as people go back to farm nathria transmog they will call it out as well. that said blizz wont know to fix it unless you use the bug report.

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Is this typical for blizzard to just release a broken half finished expansion and then leave all the bugs and broken trash and not fix anything

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