Sindragosa's simulacrum is wrong

Sindragosa died because of Neltharion when he went mad because of the oldgods, this is at the time of the Kaldorei empire and the invasion of the burning legion through the well of eternity, therefore, it is not consistent that his simulacrum has the form of a Sin’dorei, as that race did not exist at the time.


Maybe Sindragosa saw a hot blood elf and was like “yeah, I want to look like that!”


I’m confused, what are we talking about?


. . . ya know in that old vision of yogg saron we saw the aspects themselves take the form of both thalassian elves and humans (Ysera was the only one with a night elf form) and these races would not exist for a long while at that point as it was a vision of the creation of the dragon soul . . . What I am saying is this isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened, I just attribute it to the bronze flight going up to everyone else and saying “Hey ya wanna see somethin cool!?!!” And showing em every race that would exist in the future.


Which doesn’t make sense either. why would the guardians of time be going around showing forms of creatures out of their corresponding time? even that good, blizzard is mediocre as storyteller, so …

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I mean, that was back in Wrath sooooooooo . . . an oversight for sure but at this point? not the biggest deal honestly

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Malygos’s humanoid form was a high elf as well.

A good loophole you could follow would be that a High / Blood Elf Mage time-travelled back in time - was caught by the Bronze Dragonflight, and thus brought before the other Dragon Aspects before being sent back to their own timeline.

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he lived long enough to know the HE, Sindragosa died 6 thousand or more years before the HE existed

what is incoherent, why the flight in charge of protecting time would walk in humanoid forms not according to the time period in which they are?

We see them generally do that when they’re trying to blend in.
Otherwise, they just use a form that’s comfortable to them. Regardless of the race not being prominent yet, I doubt they’re gonna cause a major timeline change by shaping their guise as one of them.

All you need to understand is how Danuser thinks.

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Very good point, Baator. Very good point. However, consider this:

Bronze. Dragon. Timetravellers.

Obviously somebody told her about the Elves of the future.

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IDK every thread I read now is about gender changes. Is this not about that?


Boredom most likely.

Is our timeline the one where Korialstrasz went back in time and just vibed as a high elf, and everyone thought he was just an ugly misshapen Night Elf? Maybe that resonated with her.
IDR if the Knaak novels are canon.
I also think the dragons can change disguises, especially more powerful ones. I need to find better info about Sind. in DF, but maybe she liked the high elf look more after the fact ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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the race do not exist when she live and died, HE appeared about 5,000 or 7,000 years after she died. :man_shrugging:

why would a “guardian of time” do something like that?

Is there confirmation that Sindragosa has met him and created a simulacrum with an appearance based on him? if there is, excellent, if it is conjecture it does not count

It isn’t really wrong. A very long time ago, Sindragosa was listening to Nozdormu tell her about a new type of elf coming in the future. She liked that vision, so she made her holographic counterpart assume that form.

And the source of this info is??

Does it really need a source? Just a silly answer to what I see as a silly topic…

Maybe the Titans told all the dragons about how sick elves were.