Sindragosa and Malygos

Blizzard: makes them both look awesome and lovey dovey at the end of the blue dragonflight cinematic

Also Blizzard:

Forgets his other two consorts like they’re trash lol

Well, adding those two wouldn’t be very convenient for the writing team, would it?

The other two werent dead.

And anyone who has consorts always has a fovorite.

Imagine the outrage if Blizzard actually showed the Aspects in their polycules.

I mean they canonically are, but people like to pretend.


Saragosa died while you were leveling in Borean Tundra

Don’t forget about Keristrasza–his involuntary consort.

Oof. I forgot about that.

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Blizzard of today would never allow that in a quest again

I’m surprised when they changed paintings to fruit and all that controversy stuff they didn’t retro change that quest/boss

That’s because you missed the point of those changes, like most people here.

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they are totally wants people to froget that dragons are polygamic

That was an act of revenge since she’s the one who had his consort killed.

God forbid we get storytelling that involves real gritty and evil acts that actually happen in real life. Game of thrones did it left and right and was celebrated as one of the greatest shows on tv, untill it wasn’t of course.

At least malygos was painted as a monster during that time. It’s not like it was celebrated.

Plus the same thing happened to Alex with the dragonmaw clan.

Are they just gonna retcon huge character struggles?

Like there’s so many other atrocities that happen today and in history that could be compared to events in game but this is pushing the line and needs to be retcon? Yeah, no.

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You seem to have gotten yourself all worked up over something that literally nobody in this thread was asking for.

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The story since at least BFA has been some new interns fever dream of a fan fic, Dragonflight is just it coming to its peak. Kinda funny tbh cant wait to see the direction it turns next

If GD had an official motto I think this might be it.

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blizzard is afraid to depict actual polyamory despite it being canon in so many places

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Haleh was just one consort. Sindragosa was the “prime consort” as I call it.

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Not worked up, just pointing it out since I’m sure some people would consider that boss and questline “problematic” when it isn’t.