Sin'dorei Roleplay Guilds?

Been seeing more and more people roleplaying in Silvermoon, and its made me curious about which sorta guilds are running the show, or at least particularly active in the city! I chatted with House Suncrusher briefly, and they seemed pretty darn interesting, but I’m curious about any others! (If House Suncrusher is reading this, you guys seem great, I’d love to chat more. >_<)

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Bump. I am interested to see who else is in the community as well. I’ve been on WoW jumping between WRA and Moon Guard for 15 years now… I play a Blood Knight, Magister (Who is actually a Warlock), and Ranger. I frequent SMC more and more lately as the resurgence has happened. I can’t wait for WoW Midnight and what comes for our server by then.

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its kinda weird to ask whos running the show

That’s exactly what someone running the show would say.


No one is in charge of anything, but there are a few sindorei only guilds around. Sunfury Battalion are based in SMC, I think. The Sunreavers call Dalaran home, though, and are not often in Quel’thalas.

At least, not yet…

We are! Though currently we’re out in the Ghostlands working on cleansing the area and getting the Runestones going again. Even set up a lil outpost (using Tyrs Hand as a proxy_


Howdy from House Suncrusher. Glad to have ya on board with us. :white_heart: :black_heart:


Looking at possibly moving a few BE toons to a RP server, debating if WRA or MG should be my new home…do not want to spend the money on a dead area, so looking for the one that is more active.

I loved Ashes of Al’ar’s website and design, and the story behind them, but not sure they are still active any more.

For Horde, typically it’s WrA. But you could roll alts on both servers and get a look around before spending money.