I know right? It’s complicated
Dunno why anyone would be proud to be a Blood Elf.
Their lore has been consistently terrible since BC unless it involved the Alliance fighting them through the High Elves.
People must like just being catered to on account of being the Horde’s pretty bois rather than a faction of actual substance.
Here’s hoping they actually put some effort towards developing Blood Elves sometime this century.
But I’ve never looked skinnier!
This is where you are extremely confused, blood elves are extremely violent and hostile. It may not be portrayed that way in-game but they are most definitely ruthless.
In the world of warcraft comic book a blood elf warlock literally tries to turn a 14 year old into a fel magic addict with almost murderous intent.
First we establish Silvermoon as the apex Horde city. Then we take our rightful place as apex horde race.
Then and only then can we finally war for vengeance and the return of our rightful racial talent. Our arcane interrupt.
For too long have we suffered under the yoke of Orgrimmar and Ion.
We shall have justice.
I love that. We need more of this shown in-game.
Yeah her name is Valeera and the blood elf warlock who afflicated her with the mark of Mark of Kathra’Natir was Vendellin Soulfire. It should be clear that the Blood elves do NOT shy away from Fel Magic at all, not even a little and they do embrace it, I’m guessing the golden eyes thing started because some high elves and blood elves eventually mated with each other over the years and what gets pooped out is a new blood elf with golden eyes, either that or they must have been blessed by the light or some crap that blizzard left a plot hole on.
Blood magic too They are using it in the Nazmir invasions!
you dont know this spell and thus are now confused and stunned.
And what injustices are those, my dear?
Attempted genocide in the Second War?
Allying with our ancient enemies of Zul’Aman?
No, wait. That’s the orcs. Hmm.
You seem eager to forget history in favor of new dalliances. I’d sooner not be known as a “fair weather friend”.
I was a fan of the Blood Elves in WC 3.
Kael’thas could, telepathically (if that is the right word?), rip an enemy limb from limb. While standing across the room from them.
Just reaches his arms out and they go poof.
No he wasn’t that strong, he was actually part of the Kirin Tor once, since he did after all study with them at some point. The reason he turned down the Lich King in favor of the Burning Legion is because he had a crush on Jaina Proudmoore but she chose Arthas. The extent of his power is limited to the comparable extent that Gul Dan had as a warlock, except imagine Gul Dan as a mage instead.
That being said, blood elves are incredibly evil! So are Tauren and Trolls, like I said, none of this is shown in game, but inherently all of the races in the Horde are really evil. Nobody believes me when I say this and everyone keeps trying to defend Sylvannas for some reason.
What are you talking about? I am Jaquestiney, Hero of Azeroth, the one shotting chaos bolt warlock. What do you mean I don’t know chaos bolt?!
The actual folklore of elves is nothing like today’s fantasy elves.
yer posting on a dk, dk’s dont know 1 shotting abilities that need nerfing.
Yeah her name is Valeera and the blood elf warlock who afflicated her with the mark of Mark of Kathra’Natir was Vendellin Soulfire. It should be clear that the Blood elves do NOT shy away from Fel Magic at all, not even a little and they do embrace it, I’m guessing the golden eyes thing started because some high elves and blood elves eventually mated with each other over the years and what gets pooped out is a new blood elf with golden eyes, either that or they must have been blessed by the light or some crap that blizzard left a plot hole on.
You… never paid attention to the whole Soulwell thing, did you?
The golden eyes come about because of the gradual weening from fel magic, now that the Sunwell is back; the Sunwell is powered by the Light, hence golden glowing effects.
No and I hate blood elves.
yer posting on a dk, dk’s dont know 1 shotting abilities that need nerfing.
You’re just jealous of my ability to multiclass on a godly level.