Sin'dorei Proud of Their Heritage

Lore-wise you actually have 0 horde pride and 0 bloof elf pride because your a DH like me. We were Illidan’s army and got put into stasis sleep and came back a few years ago, now your horde 100% dedicated? You have no knowledge of horde’s actions and you recently came into Horde being lead by the lich queen with an iron fist killing all life on Azeroth. And you have no knowledge of what the blood elves have done for the past ages since you ran away with Illidan.


I am proud of my history. I was a high elf who was with Kael’thas after the sacking of silvermoon. I went through the dark portal and aligned with illidan. After Kael betrayed my people and joined the legion I went to illidan to learn the ways of a Demon Hunter so i cpuld get revenge on the legion who created the lich king in the first place.

Tal anu’men no Sin’dorei!

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I am in the middle of mine and will have it in a few minutes.

Look always to the Eternal Sun

oh gee, gosh you shouldn’t be lookin directly at it friend, a blood elf went blind doin dat…

he’s an illidari now.


gloves and belt only the rest of the heritage armor is ugly at least void elves got a nice chest piece

I do like the blood elves as a people that endured a terrible tragedy and were able to survive and rebuild. It makes them way more interesting and I think actually has some parallels with the developed nations of today and our reliance on forms of energy that can be harmful. After enduring such a terrible blow, Blood elves will do whatever is necessary to survive.

I think in some respects that’s actually at odds with the horde. The other members of the horde are survivors as well, but are very concerned with ‘honor’ and I don’t think that’s the case for the Sin’dorei. They’ve learned that honor means very little when you are dead. You can be as honorable as you want, but it won’t save your people from an undead army that doesn’t play by the rules of honor.

I might play one as an alt if they were available but I don’t think I would really identify with silver covenant elves. They would be a good fit for the alliance though-- they either left their homeland and fellow elves to fend for themselves in their greatest time of need over hypocritical morals OR simply stayed in Dalaran where they could use rare magical artifacts to sate their mana withdrawal like cowards. I don’t really get why you would want to play as that.

But…its right there. o.O

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Yes and in a way almost no? I love their history and everything with it but funnily enough i play a death knight and a demon hunter as my sin’dorei so rp wise my characters have some different culture. Personally though i love the blood elf race.

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Lol XD

Side note: Finally done. Probably won’t show my character wearing it for awhile, though.

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No! You will never eat my blood elves! I eat you instead!

This is the most passive-aggressive thread I’ve seen all day

Have you finished scrubbing the toilets servant?

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I do, actually. I enjoy the Blood Elf story as outcasts trying to survive tragedy. I dislike the alliance, personally, but have a few toons on it regardless. I am much more of a Horde fan. Of course, the origin of San’layn is what I fancy the most :slight_smile:

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I am not your servant you evil Night Elf.
Casts chaos bolt at Dreadmoon
Dreadmoon dies
Goodnight. :zzz:

I’m proud to be a blood elf, wouldn’t mind seeing us get more spotlight


shocked Pikachu

You’ll be even more shocked to hear that despite this, I feel like they’re 100% right in this war and have yet to see them do something terrible (aside from void corruption on the raptors, but that’s nothing compared to other things)

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My Pikachu image is coming even closer to the screen.


You mean lack-of chest piece bikini? Love it when my wife wears it.

The greatest of Tolkien’s Elves rebelled against his own creator and killed his kin to march to his own death. (Intentional lower-case) blood elves are goody-goody elves by comparison.

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