Since they're bringing Class Tier sets back

What Shadowlands NPC or aesthetic do you think they should be based on?

These are my vauge ideas, but more ideas are welcome (and I might add them to the list).

Death Knight:

-The Drust ???

Demon Hunter:

-Dreadlords ???


-Ysera (with Ardenweald elements).




-Kael’thas Redeemed






-The Arbiter









no i think DK’s should have a tier set tied to the maw seeing as though there power originates from there

At it’s core this makes sense… but look at the Sanctum of Domination plate.

It would be a bit… odd to try and basically make the same tier set 2x in a row.

I hope they will make it different this time.

I mean give us a piece of gear and runecraft 1 power on it out of 3 different set.
So people cant actually have fun in the gameplay.
They all have same ilvl. Just different effet. It could be cool to make combo with your leggo

yes very true, maybe they could look at the zoval’s armour set and base it off that perhaps??

Maybe remake Tier 3 or 4?

Remake of T3 would be cool but most T4s were godaweful lol.

If they gimme a sec where I look like the arbiter, I’m gonna be annoyed. Unless the PvP equivalent is a dark arbiter kinda set, then I might be down.

Oh snap I missed it, when did they say Class Tier sets are coming back!?

A while back. They said for 9.2 but not 9.1

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That’s some great news, happy to hear it!

Was it in an interview or something by chance?

I think so. Or a virtual show. Not sure which one but it was a legit thing from one of the creator.

No. No more Barbarian and Cow Eating Warriors.


First off, I… feel like this is like… the only relevant reply in the thread. >_>

Second, yeah I’d imagine they would throw in a few darker tints for the more Shadowy themed players.

Depends where the patch takes place.

I’d rather have something themed after Denathrius