I thought your accusation was that your friend posted her photos in a guilds discord and then people reposted it or something?
Kinda hard to do that in wow chat isn’t it?
Or maybe I don’t even understand the original accusation because you’ve done such a poor job of explaining what you say happened?
ladies youre both pretty
man its been a while since there was a big dramathread here, we’ve been surprisingly united recently
wra has enough trash without emerald dream dragging its trash here too. the usage of racial slurs, wife beating jokes, attack helicopters, etc. went up like 10,000% after we had multiple ED guilds transfer here.
i mean i guess it doesn’t matter anymore since WoW is dead/should die, but w/e.
What the hell are you people on about?
Hang on, we gotta set the mood.
Sets up lawn chair, sits down and grabs bag of popcorn from a void rift
OP, why would you think anyone would be interested in this? Legitimately curious.
LOL I forgot who they cast as Raiden in that flick
Christopher Lambert.
And he crushed it.
So did Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa as Shang Tsung.
…actually everyone killed it in that movie. Definitely one of the best videogame adaptions, imo.
You ever have one of those moments when you walk into the middle of an ongoing argument that has absolutely nothing to do with you, whatsoever, but there you are? And it keeps going?
The WrA forums are having that moment right now.
100% agreed. Didn’t take itself super seriously, but also didn’t fall into outright parody a la The Super Mario Bros (Which, if you read up on the behind the scenes of that film is a damn shame. Basically everyone on that film signed up for a movie - a more traditional Mario tale - that never happened because the Husband-Wife Directing team were absolute monsters to work with and felt their script superior).
Only real problem with it is the incredibly dated (even for the era) CGI.
Me in these threads:
Why is ED fighting on our forums?
This is like seeing a bar fight in your establishment, except your establishment is a denny’s so you’re not quite sure where they got the booze.
As the company collapses, the walls between the worlds grow thin.
this is a really long-winded way of saying you hate representation in an incredibly high fantasy setting where genuinely anything goes at this stage of the game
wrap it up we’re on a budget, just say you’re racist
‘mog’ implies the usage of transmog despite me not touching it since the expansion launched, so moot point ya damn fartwizard - you gonna make fun of my Xbox Gamerscore next?
Then why am I not at all against the new human options? I love seeing representation there and have griped about it since BC.
I’m loyal to the lore of the specific universe my characters inhabit, not a generic high-fantasy setting. Demon Hunters and the family tree of blood elves (see: night elves and highbourne) already showed us that darker skinned elves tend towards purple, red.
Consistency makes for higher quality lore and RP is all.
What “race” do you think I am, and who am I racist against?
‘mog’ implies the usage of transmog despite me not touching it since the expansion launched, so moot point ya damn fartwizard - you gonna make fun of my Xbox Gamerscore next?
I’d rather point out that you’re overcompensating for how bland your personality is without someone or something controversial to riff off of. The Jester’s dilemma.
too long didn’t read sorry try again next thread bye