Since the Original Exodus from ED to WRA

it’s almost like someone in here is really mad they’re a not-so-thinly-veiled racist and creep that should log off the world of warcraft forums

Helladyn is an idiot. but scabber is what monsters are made of.

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Best Disney song imo

Bet you never thought that speaking up about the actual toxicity of ED would lead us here. This is the problem with toxic positivity, evil is pushed into a corner and allowed to fester.

My friend you literally dragged it over to a completely different server instead of keeping it in the other dumpster fire thread. There was no reason for this


I feel like I am simultaneously living but also not living in opposite day, and also experiencing groundhog day.

The exodus from ED to WrA left our server a toxic cesspool where women were harassed from the moment anyone found out they were female. Scabber is a simp queen and relishes in younger women being used and abused.

if you are posting in this thread and think you are NOT a creep, send money to my cashapp. consider it an indulgence to purify your taint. some of you REALLY need a purified taint.

yeah im not sure about that. i just wanted it to be heard that these accusations are true.

i saw her like a post on of my threads (unironically about race) and decided to look at her activity. and found her posting on these threads.

she’s always on a campaign of evil.

So why bring that to WrA? What are we supposed to do but give them attention, as you initiated by linking the thread here? We are not Blizzard and we are not on your server. We cannot help you.


i am the poggers


I don’t care. I don’t care about any of this. Your server’s problems are not our problems. This is quite literally the most goofiest thing I’ve ever seen in an online setting. No one here is taking sides with anyone. All any of you are doing is demonstrating your server has some very serious issues. Stop trying to bring it over here. I don’t know what issues you guys are having and I just don’t care.


let us not forget what happened. ignore helladyn for a second, and see who came here uninvited. Scabber. all of this started with Scabber.

the doxxing, the harassing, the stalking, the racist rhetoric.

all Scabber

Because I’m quitting the game and people should know about the demonic haven that is ED.

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If we wanted to look we’d tour ED or look at the realm forum.

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Yeah let’s go back to where it started;

Really makes you think

log off racist who attacks people at almost random on instagram

and this is why Blizzard was allowed to continue what they were doing, because good people would rather look the other way.

I already said earlier in the thread how to get action taken against repeat offenders. Use the in-game report system. Take screenshots and initiate a ticket.

Bringing the drama to WrA does nothing but fuel the people you want to ‘stop’.


Unironically, Congratulations on quitting the game and escaping this hell.

I disagree that anyone needs to know about ED though. Let it die along with the rest of the game.