Since Renew has such abysmal healing

They should at least increase the chance for Benediction to proc to its original 50% like back in Legion :smiley:

It’s doing less than my embellishment


They just need to give Renew a +40% buff and it should be fine.

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If the goal is to be boring then sure. Holy has some decent interaction with renew in it’s kit, but could easily add more than just locking it at the hip for CoH. For disc it’s just an atonement applicator which is just lazy. Atonement and Penance both give solid opportunities for them to interact with renew proccing additional heals, spreading the heal, whatever, to actually make it impactful and make it worth casting for more than just to get atonement out.

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That sounds a bit like the Empowered Renew talent they unceremoniously scrapped that did 40% of its healing up front as a bonus, although obviously that wouldn’t be quite as impactful.

It is a bit… underwhelming seeing these hero talents extending renew duration as though that’s some exciting buff, given how low the throughput is. I suppose there’s the 6% bonus talent, but that’s hardly as impactful either, not like monk’s Renewing Mist bonus or Riptide.


Going to read Renew’s tooltip in my spellbook: Fill the target with faith in the light, healing for 150,756 over 15 seconds.

Even if Renew is buffed to double its current healing, it would be 300k healing per gcd, multiplied to 375k after factoring in crit…so maybe it breaks 450k-500k per cast after fully buffed, flasked etc. That also assumes 0 overheal over the 15 second duration.

In the meantime, currently Flash Heal is average 800k per cast, Lightweaver Heal is average 1m to 1.2m per cast, not inclusive of Echo of Light or Trail of Light. These numbers are also after overheal in the calculations.

No way that a measly 40% buff to Renew is remotely enough to buff the spell into relevance, unless you are just simply talking about buffing all the other passives or spells that apply Renew rather than hardcasting Renew per se.


Renew is tuned worse than shadows DoTs. It should be healing 700k at least.


It needs to heal a million over its duration and interact with Echo of Light to be somewhat viable, and as sensational as those numbers sound it’s not even an exaggeration.

Flash Heal and Heal have very big sp multipliers on their own, but also have synergistic passives that feed into each other quietly working in the background like Lightweaver, Everlasting Light, Trail of Light, Crisis Management, and even Binding Heals. And they proc Echo of Light, too.

In the meantime, the only thing Renew has going for it is…Renewed Faith. Doesn’t proc Echo of Light, only provides less than 1/3 of the reset value on its respective Holy Word compared to Flash Heal or Heal.

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I was speaking from a shadow perspective with that 700k number. I agree it should be quite a bit more powerful than that for a healer. From a shadow priest perspective, there is no competition between entering the left side of the tree from dispel magic vs renew. If I select renew and then press it once I have worsened my performance because it’s not even worth the global to cast.

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Oh, even if it’s just for Shadow, I think 1 million over 15 seconds isn’t particularly broken or egregious either, when they are expected to dps rather than heal. A maintenance hot should have a bigger total healing value than upfront spells, imo.

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yeah it’s a fail of a spell atm. it’s a nice way for disc to get a quick atonement in at least but the spell itself is mad weak

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Oh I agree it needs more through-put but I just think the idea of “buff it” is lazy when you could make it more integral to the kit while getting better output from it. I mean imagine if Oracle had the ability to cause radiance to apply renew, and then allow each Penance bolt cause renew to “tick” without consuming time.

Suddenly renew goes from ticking every 3 seconds to having that as it’s flat amount and then heals even more based on how much you can get out of penance while it’s up. The double radiance ramp up already would add 8 more ticks of renew and it would be within reason to get even more ticks out of it by getting Penance back off CD. Suddenly renew is a good spell to keep running on the tank, as well as PW:S them on CD in 5 mans, and since it’s in oracle it can help move more into constant healing and out of the ramp-up CD playstyle disc has been attached at the hip to since freaking legion.


Renew used to be sooo strong. I miss it, it’s my favorite spell :frowning: . Remember when we could refresh it on 3 people using Binding Heal and the old chakra stance? So fun. It should have a stronger interaction with haste especially since it doesn’t benefit from mastery.

Yet another thing blizz needs to fix with a new rework (if that’s ever coming, more likely we’ll get another pally overhaul). It heals for 270K at 635 PvP. Even if benediction was buffed to 100 percent, it’d still be trash. Health bars move too fast for 60k per tick to be meaningful.

LOL. This made me chuckle. You’re not wrong!

Cool ideas
After reading all of them I kinda realized we need another Mistweaver talents and spells update

I truly hope Priest gets an overhaul soon.

Shadow needs a rework immediately. they keep doing patchwork on it buff → debuff → buffing again.

Holy seems ok, but as you said, there is almost no point in even having renew on our action bars…seems like such a waste to have a dead spell.

disc could use another round…some of the talents seem like filler with very little impact.

Some classes have gotten like 3 reworks, Pally to be the biggest mention. We need another pass on priest. we are getting close with things

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Renew’s just stuck in a weird spot because they’ve baseline buffed Flash Heal about +80% compared to what it was at the start of Dragonflight.

Renew is mainly balanced around Healing Chorus now because the low healing from Renew ends up making CoH stronger.

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