Since people are talking about FFXIV

Because it’s not lol. If you leave on your own accord, it’s wildly different than being told to leave. I’m sorry you are having such a hard time understanding the difference.

At least you are the perfect representation of the average WoW player.


Person Y asks person X to leave her behind. Person X do so. What person X just did?

A) Person X left person Y behind, because that was what was asked and person X did so.
B) Person X did not leave person Y behind, because if someone asks, it is not “leaving someone behind” any more.

Any health human being would say A is the right answer.

But the fanatical FFXIV “nice community” will insist that B is right, because they can’t admit the FFXIV story is terrible and make no sense.

Considering it isn’t what happened, I would have to question this person’s “health” from the start lol.

As already pointed out, the only fanatical here is you lol.

Ehh who cares, the post was already moved to off-topic, no ones reads this forum anyway. Thanks for the bumps, was almost thinking you’re some kind of AI with these very stupid replies, but it seems you’re just really not very bright.

I can block you already, since I have no interest in bumping threads in the off-topic forum. Good luck mr. obvious troll.

Lot of projection there lol.

You too Mr. Neverreadabookbeforeintheirlife

I literally said “at the launch of EW”, which you QUOTED, yeah that was 2021, congrats on not being able to read.

You said ff14 numbers are larger cuz the EW launch had massive queues. You implied that because of the queues in 2021, that the numbers now are huge. I imply that you can’t base now on something from 2021 that isn’t even happening anymore. Congrats on not having any reading comprehension, either about the OP or my reply

I didn’t imply anything, you’re switching topics to make yourself sound smart when you’re not.

There is no way this isn’t troll bait but I’m taking it.

You didn’t run from ten guards. You ran from a city that was housing an entire army that was looking for you. You didn’t leave your friends to die, they stayed behind specifically so you could escape, as shown by the fact they got overwhelmed in every cutscene they separated from you to buy you more time.

You can say you didn’t like the story, but if you weren’t even paying attention why should we value your opinion?


It doesn’t.
Not to mention, odd you assume I ignored it.

WoW’s story is pretty bad though. I’ve not played all of the ff14 story, but the parts I saw were better.

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To be fair, while they likely didn’t play beyond ARR, their ARR summary was pretty spot on

Can confirm i started it on the ps3 then ps4 now ps5 and loading things has just gotten better and better.

Why do all of these powerful epic characters need your WoW player character to intervene in quite literally every world ending calamity? A straight up mortal nobody who needs to routinely assists dragons, gods, aspects, etc. Because these all powerful beings magically get overpowered by bargain bin villains constantly. But go on about how poor the ARR story is.

That’s also not even touching on the fact that in the WoW universe your character isn’t even important. Just one of millions of “champions” getting called to save the day. At least the entire story of FF14 focuses on you the character and recognizes your importance in the narrative.

Also how many times has WoW had to retcon its own God awful lore to make popularity changes that cater to the masses?

Should I keep going?

Compare that to the oh so much better quality writing of Sylvanas. “I’m the misunderstood secretly good guy trying to stick up for my new people, oh wait now I’m ultimate evil, oh sike I was being controlled the whole time”.

Seriously if you had paid any attention A. You don’t leave your friends behind and B. You are running from a magitek core, infused with the power of Primals, wake of destruction when it explodes, and the collapsing mega-structure around you.

FF unlike Wow actively gains subs throughout an expansion after the initial expansion surge dies off. Unlike every other mmo. Their version of armory has easier ways of parsing max level characters that are active. So while not definitive it’s closer to reality than other games. It also does not include people leveling through the game for the first time and the decent sized community that plays on a free account which gives them access to the base game and the first expansion which is massive amount of content.

If you don’t like the story fine. But a lot of us don’t like WoWs story as its still told like the core audience is 13 when most of us are 30 and up. Wow has amazing lore but crap story telling with so much served outside of the game. Whereas in FF it’s all there. With the only supplemental material being stuff you already know but told from the perspective of in world historians speculations about events you were told or shown in game.

ARR is a building block of a world recovering from Calamity and all the expansions that follow build on it and interweave back to it and don’t have resolution until much later. Something a unified narrative affords them.

You essentially read LOTR and stopped when Frodo got to Rivendell. No one should take your opinion on the entire book seriously.

I understand why new players don’t like it. They beeline it but when it was live it was much better as you didn’t get enough xp to go to the next MSQ. You had to stop and do fates for awhile or dungeons. Then level another job to 15 to get your job stone, then other jobs to various levels for cross class abilities. While doing the job quests for each. Which filled in the worlds story more.

I love 14 but its missing 3 things:

  1. Needs a Cataclysm-level rework of older content. Streamline the story to make leveling 1-80 finish the story for you up until the start of Endwalker.

  2. Reasonably meaningful end-game content besides weekly lockouts.

  3. Meaningful world quests that bring life back to the overworld.

IMO, Variant/Criterion dungeons/Island sanctuary/custom delivery just aren’t enough to compete with reputations, world quests, and M+ offered in WoW.

sounds like a skill issue.


It’s only going to get worse the more expansions that come out. They HAVE to truncate it at some point, or it is no longer accessible for new players.

I think they are already at that point. I made an alt and it seemed to take an eternity, and ARR was especially painful.