Historically the Blue Eyes are only for those who refused corruption, and joined the Alliance. Don’t act like the eye color wasn’t exclusively for the Alliance elves
If you can’t acknowledge that Blue v Green eyes were the difference between ally and horde elves, then you can’t really talk about Visual theme dictions lol.
Like, arguing against VEs getting to be HEs is such a weird stance, when people should be arguing for more cool things for BEs like light touched hair, light or fel magic rune tattoos, more fancified jewelry options, etc. Things maybe to do with the “Eternal Sun” or a Pheonix.
The 9.2 Cinematic makes sense now, I hope the humany eyes get into the game for both of the Elves.
But honestly thank you so much for putting up with my nerd rage at it all, and for sharing this information.
I personally still believe though that HE stuff should be shared, and then Horde should get unique Fel/Light items, to make up for the Void items VE got. Then down the line it opens up VE to get just Void only things.
I think there is so much room for both to get a variety of cool looking things. Like Alliance gets red Azshara eyes, Horde gets red Dark Ranger eyes. Stuff like that. And I want ombre hair for both.
To be fair, I’ve extensively researched them, and pretty much everything I’d seen made that distinction. Granted I mainly have played Alliance, so I never saw those BE NPCs
The writing since BFA seems to ignore quite a lot of the lore. And a lot of their justifications to their writing seems to just be ‘Oh we retconned it / squeezed it in’ then occassionally paint the whole “Oh its not a retcon; its just new lore we didn’t know about!” - but both the noun and the verb definition in correlation to what they’ve done, clearly shows it’s a retcon. The Jailor is a prime example of their worse work on it - “He’S pLaNnEd ThIs aLL sInCe WC3!” pfffft.
Not really. She straight up meant it — She even gave dialoged explanations to a bunch of those dirty names. Total opposite of ‘Hyperbole’.
Yeah, that’s my take on it too. I feel they ruined so much of her character’s potential, but redeeming her to spite that guy’s idiocy plans does put a smile on my face.
This supposedly or well the burning was the work of one of the guys they fired. Afrasabi or whatever his name was and technically not all the horde did that… so let’s just…blame that guy for all the bad stuff…he already had a hand in ruining the dark lady’s story with his BS.
On another note I’m surprised neither VE or BE got San’layn cosmetic options. No blood red eyes or the like… wonder if that will come in the future or not
I planned arthas dying. To lul you into a false sense of security it seems.
legion to lose on azeroth, several times in fact as this factors in night elves 10,000 year history with them.
to set up argus, the possible big red ball that offlined arbiter. World souls it seems go to ardenweald, they are just really big seeds lol. THis is conjecture ofc…no hard facts either way. Its like the ending to no country for old men.
Did anton shoot her? Well we see him wiping something off his feet as he leaves the house. Blood, dog poop…we don’t know for sure.
I personally don’t care about the BE vs VE deal. I play both sides but I would like the hairstyles to be shared more.
BEs could really benefit from VE hairstyles.
Also, it’d be great if BEs could be shamans. Idk if VEs could be, I don’t see why not just call the spells something voidy and make the colour of the spells voidy but otherwise, it’d be the same thing with a voidy name I suppose.
That’d be good. I don’t really care about druids but I can see that being an option as well for those who do.
helfers dont know the lore. thats always been clear
theres more blue eyed blood elves then the 6 alliance high elves prior to shadowlands finally updating blood elves to reflect where they should be post TBC
sunreaver frosthands and assassins could spawn with blue eyes. sunreaver spellblades in legion also could have blue eyes
there was even a green eyed
‘high elf’ in the mage class hall
none of these were bugs either as we all know helfers mass bug reported these npcs but they were never changed
as well as a dev confirming ofc blue eyed blood elves exist and there ‘was a story for them’
its the same race after all LMAO. high elves are blood elves and vice versa. the terms are interchangeable when referring to the race and there is no biological difference. there never was
… gnomes that are literally falling apart like victims of an atom bomb… yeah no… you can go right ahead and throw those in the garbage that may or may not have an incinerator at the bottom. Bad enough we got goblins who’d sell their own mother to a slaver for a bag of copper we don’t need radiated gnomes as well.