I only play assassination. These are my short comments on changes I think need attention.
Shadowheart is a bad talent.
I would like Marked for Death back please. I see no reason this should be gone when ER is still there functionally providing the same thing. I don’t want to play ER’s mini-game, but why cant I have the combo points? I don’t see why one is here and one is gone. Both here or both gone with something new please.
Please attend to Deathmark being so awful with dispels. At least make it so if Rupture, Garrote, and Deadly Poison are up, the dispell just removes Rupture, Garrote, and Deadly, but not DM so we have a chance to re-apply. I think that would be a pretty standard middle-ground.
Acrobatic strikes - I get your (blizzard’s) reasoning here for removing it, but I don’t know that you really appreciate how something like this feels. We could be getting a +30% damage buff across the board as rogues, and if the melee range is noticeable…it would still feel like trash. Whatever the goal is here, I’d consider either backpedaling or at the very least taking it slower or less drastic with the changes. Also allowing us to stack movement speed so high in the new acro’s place is going to make for some other weird shenanigans imo.
I liked shadow dance as sin to be honest. I didn’t at first, but it really grew on me. Don’t care much about it being removed either. But I am worried about another charge of vanish. This also just REALLY highlights how busted Night elves are. They get a extra vanish built in. Racials should not matter this much, and yet we nearly “have to” play NE for pvp, and also have Undead basically unplayable with the stealth bug.
PvP talents:
Fix control is king
Make DFA viable.
dagger in the dark sucks - replace / rework
system shock sucks - replace / rework
where is deadly throw? (bring back a fan fav)
Stealth bugs need fixed please, k thanks.
Why are you changing Indiscriminate Carnage from 10 seconds to 6?
I do like Subterfuge going from 3s to 6s, but the whole situation with Improved Garrote and Subterfuge and the removal of Shadow dance is weird. Currently it’s great: We can CS for 3s on openers from stealth and x1 a min use Shadow dance for Cheap Shot. Going into TWW, we lose dance, but get to use CS for 3 seconds longer on openers? Who is this for? This extra time to stun is nice but like…why? I’m already getting improved garrote for good Garrotes for 6s. Why do I need another entire talent for CS usability on the opener? For sin this just isn’t where we need CS. We needed CS from Dance in emergencies (outside of just having a spare Vanish we could use).
Just my 2c.