Simplify Tier acquisition

No more extra currency to change for tier like in AQ, it’s a pug nightmare. Make it simple like in mc and bwl, get the token change for the tier piece.

No, if You want to be powerful and craft the Best gear in Game You should waste gold on it.

Tell me youve never played classic, without telling me youve never touched classic.

Theres nothing wrong with a system where you pick up bits from a dungeon that you hand in for items, just some extra flavour as long as its not 1 drop for 40 players and you can hand them over to who needs them.

Makes for social interactions

I played and play much more classic than most people. Doesn’t mean I like everything about it. I pug a lot on my alts and it’s very rare to find pugs where all mats aren’t reserved, saying that we get to buy all the raid drops in order to purchase the tier which sucks.

Going to the auction house to buy a bunch of stuff is social interaction?

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