Simple Solution to make everybody Happy with boosts

We have a very well-liked thread here where we are asking for fresh TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences on them: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #1658 by Melphina-bloodsail-buccaneers

I personally see this as a win/win for Blizzard to help with the arguments between the pro and anti boost people. The min/max crowd and Retail tourists can keep the original servers with all the cash shop conveniences while Blizzard creates a few new fresh servers in each region with no cash shop conveniences for the RPG crowd. I know it would incur an added cost for Blizzard, but I do think the long term subscriptions they would keep from the RPG crowd would offset them.

There are quite a few likes on the above post and a number of posts like this asking for this request. Hopefully, they will be convincing. :smiley:
