Simple approach to F R E S H

Thank you for saying something intelligent for the first time.

That’s NEW servers, not FRESH like these people want.
They want isolated servers so they can dominate them

Look man. Some people want fresh. It’s not like there is some conspiracy.


The people who “dominate” fresh servers will be the same exact people who already “dominated” classic servers on launch up until now (if they didn’t quit). Most people who want fresh will never be ahead of everyone, just not how it works. There are other reasons to like it than that.

This reasoning seems like a lot of projection from players who finally caught up over a year late and want to just farm fresh 60s or people levelling.

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Yep. Toxic elitism showing its true colors.

…and old players quit, and new players join. That probably happens more than players switching realms. But all 3 contribute to population balance changing.

Fresh is going to happen.

That depends entirely on the circumstances.

I would bet real money that there were periods of extreme migration during classic where transfers far exceeded new character creation.

I’m hype for you to be in shambles when it dosen’t lmao. The collective f r e s h reee shut out for all time.

If only there was some well known alternative…

Providing F R E S H means Blizz would be extending a much longer timeline before the inevitable expiration date comes for WoW as a whole.