The blood elf capital deserve to have its zones reconnected to the main map and not just that they deserve a fully revamp and renovated zone. And flyable and with modern art asset and art designs and a lot of other stuff.
It deserve justice…
The blood elf capital deserve to have its zones reconnected to the main map and not just that they deserve a fully revamp and renovated zone. And flyable and with modern art asset and art designs and a lot of other stuff.
It deserve justice…
Don’t worry, yall get the majority of the things, so it will come in time.
to me its one of the last and oldest unchanged windows in the past like a virtual time capsule i like to visit it like it is
Let me tell you people this a more modern looking eversong woods and ghost lands you people will not want to go back to these older design once you have had a chance experiencing a brand new and updated version of these zones.
I agree, but unfortunately it’s unlikely to happen because doing that will require heavy duty surgery because the corner of Ghostlands where Deatholme is located actually occupies the same space as Stratholme in the main EK map.
Additionally, Silvermoon would practically need to be rebuilt from scratch because it leans heavily on the pre-flying “façade” method of city building (as was used for pre-cata Stormwind and Org) and falls apart if viewed from the air.
Combine those two and integrating Eversong and Ghostlands into EK becomes a surprisingly large project.
Yeah, the questing in those zones is almost perfect as it is and I don’t have much faith that the new quests would do the old ones justice. Leveling a character there currently is quite serene since it lacks “modernities” like talking heads and doesn’t try to drip feed you quests like new zones do.
I don’t know about deserve. We aren’t anymore deserving than anyone else’s city being redone. But I hope they slowly rework things so they don’t look so dated. A little bit at a time maybe.
I’d be too worried about it getting filled with pop culture references like all of the Cata zones after they were remade.
It won’t happen. Dispite how nice it would be to see it in game, what would be the point?
I’d be happy with just flying in Silvermoon and Azuremyst. The Exodar is a nightmare to navigate without flight, and it’s the one thing keeping me from ever hanging out in the space.
They’ll never connect these zones to the rest of Azeroth, because they are part of Outlands
For our sake I hope they do reconnect the two zones and let us finally explore a brand new experience.
I’m with you, but deserve is far too strong a word. It would be amazing if they could revamp those areas, including Azuremyst and Bloodmyst, and connect them to the main map. I don’t believe that the means are beyond Blizzard’s capability. I just know that the TBC race starting areas are somehow baked into Outland’s map and are stuck in that weird TBC area server deal. It would be good to remove them from there and make them fit the rest of the world.
It’s really cool when you goof around enough in maps and find places like that! Kind of creepy, but back in 2006 - 2009… that was like candy to me. Creepy, desolate candy.
This is an interesting thread because I seem to agree with everyone here. I’d love an updated Quel’Thalas/Ghostlands.
I can agree here, too.
I also have this concern.
I guess my point is that I wanna have my cake and eat it, too. Maybe one of those bronze drakes could be implemented that’ll switch times for you?
When it gets updated it will be given to the Void Elves.
I would love it if the Void Elves were given a district.
Said the velf.
Not that I’m there often but on the rare occasions that I am it is empty of players.
Is it different on other servers. Perhaps rp servers have players in those zones that would justify the work ?
Tbh I love the BE zones as is.
I’m fine if Eversong doesn’t get revamped, in fact the whole reason I want to fly there is it looks so beautiful.
Blood Elf questing areas and Draenai questing areas were BIS up to WotLK for questing (up to lv 20th 'ish).
But now they are outdated in compairson to the Cata revamp and the little Exile Reach bit.
A Outlands and Northrend revamp would be interesting.