Silvermoon Alliance Reconnections

I was one of the Hunters on the crew back then. I played Anviathon with my buddy Lonesurvivor. I also had a priest Drennor and rogue Sanguist.

I remember Andii!

Anyone remember Lapse and his PvP montage videos? I can’t find them anymore for the life of me!

Hi there, I played as “Iri” in IF, not sure if you remember

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that WSG team lol!

Hi zhuki! long time no see, its Jaril, you remember me?

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Gnome warrior
Playground Bullies/Jesters

Rolling (probably priest) on Pagle with current guild.

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Armisael here! Joe took my druid and renamed it Ohshift at some point, but I’m still around. Still have a salt shaker made by Muze, too!

I had to stop raiding in BWL, because my poor dial-up connection couldn’t handle it anymore, but ready for round 2 in Classic.

Human Warlock

Aus Nation
Total Dominance
Faint Apparition

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holy/ret pally.
Crimson Hand

I mainly PVP as ret and heal during raids. I do remember a guild called playground bullies. I used to PVP with some of their mates and raid as well. I remember the names jester and yohan

Hey Excalibur!! It’s Arb. My greatest memory of you was kicking your butt in a duel lmao.

How you been man? I can’t believe how much time is passed


Hey Magos wasn’t I in your guild? I remember your name but that’s about it but still good to see you!

Yo Toecrud! been a long time! I’m Semaj- Human Paladin. I changed my name a few times. Lawbringer, Distractic and variants of. Rolled with Initech and Idonius (trying to remember the guild name) Should play again sometime!

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Semaj-Human paladin. Mostly PVP and Raids with Initech and Idonius (Midnight Mafia) I always heal but was a ret paladin in vanilla. Hoping to reconnect with some people i use to play with.


Direwolf from The Rogue Clan… one of the little guilds that formed Learn2Raid with Mythic Heros.

About half of Rogue Clan is coming back for Classic… would be great to play with you and any of the other Mythic Heros members… Do you know if they are doing a classic comeback?

I was Ayalin. I was a gnome mage, leader of Tiras. I’d like to see hmm… everyone who was in Tiras, a couple ppl from Ilterendi as well. You know who you are! Ok, I will name some… I already see Toaster and Dispel, but I rolled on Ashkandi due to queues

Ponpon, Kree, Zupy, Depor, Brio, Dinosaur, Jodik, Garretjaxx, Ashrien, Alexus, Zwan, Bartletoo, Asdis, Alura, Pique, Kello, Skeith, and many others, but the list is long enough I think. I hope everyone retired blissfully from the game or still enjoys it happily and casually.

Arthrall, Human Warrior Tank.
The Virus of Life, was the name of the guild.
Bittersweet, Choco, umm honestly cant remember the others.
I played with my parents at the time, Edhunter and Littlesheba.
If you remember them or me then message me!! arthmuzzle#1725

Blackdawn, NE Warrior, Mythic Heroes, Heroes of Eternity, Shadows of the Dawn.
Doranell, NE Hunter, Nameless Raid Alliance, Caged Animals, Shadows of the Dawn.

Ill be on Myzrael if you want to play again.

Iri!!! Yeah man that was some good pvp.

I actually made a little video about the rank 14 grind, one of the screenshots I used was a bunch of us in queue for AB. Group was me, you, brio, stax, phista etc., that must have been a good game haha.


any general /silvermoon chat channel?

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