Silver Crown Mog

Wait. There’s a crafted crown? You talking about the gold draenei-looking one from Legion?

This is the one I have now. Though, I want the silver look. What I really want is a proper tiara, like the ones you see at beauty pageants or like Princess Diana might have worn. Not those stupid circlet things. But I’m not holding my breath. Blizzard seems to have a vendetta against roleplayers.

Silver is mythic, black is heroic im pretty sure, gold with the red gems is normal.

oh, I completely forgot about that one.


If you were cloth, I’d suggest the priest tier lookalikes from Antorus.

Black is LFR. Blue is heroic, pink is mythic.

edit: Wait…I got that backwards. Pink is heroic, and Blue is mythic. At least for leather.

The armor type doesn’t actually matter for the record, all four Mythic crowns use the silver/sapphire skin.

You can actually duo up to Opulence pretty easily now. Just need to be careful about killing the two guardians at roughly the same time. The real roadblock in M-BfD is the Champions of the Loa fight, thanks to Akunda and Bwonsamdi’s debuffs effectively being active on the whole group 98% of the time.

BfD can almost entirely be soloed on every other difficulty, though you still really want a pet for the Champions of the Loa thanks to Akunda (pets still get to attack, so you can whittle Akunda’s champion down while you’re disabled). I forget if Rastakhan breaks with one person or not though.

Which boss drops these, and what colors are available? If you don’t mind my asking. I stink at finding information online.

The non-Mythic versions are pretty plain tiaras.

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I’ll keep that in mind. It’s a little closer to what I want, but it’s just meh. Like, sitting higher up on the head, with diamonds and stuff.

I always forget those things cuz pet class

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There are usually groups up for mythic BoD. I could probably help at some point, too

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