No actually, I’m using Blizzards logic; additionally you’re using another comparison that’s not fit.
Grabbag put it pretty straight forward too -
Additionally, you’re further solidifying my point of
As for -
Alright cool – The book does NOT state they’re a completely different race; nor does it inform they were named Blood Elves due to the Fel. So thanks, you proved my point rather than your own.
Further solidifies my statement - again with -
Additionally, later on it was admitted by Blizzard there was an oversight in that book on misclassification with the term ‘being addicted to fel’ – On top of which, another book that came out later paved over that (Illidan), along with other content that repeated the old stuff which I referred earlier in my comments within this thread.
Their green eyes were because they used fel energy to power enchantments and changed due to a sort of background radiation in Quel’Thalas, to power its functions and magic since they no longer had the Sunwell - later on they also conducted experiments on a Naaru they stole but found it better effective to steal its power to create powerful casters & knights from such method (Priests & Paladins, hence the creation of the Blood Knights). As the Silver Covenant were not in Quel’Thalas, they did not get the same effect from the radiation towards their eyes, nor would any Blood Elves that were not within the vicinity of such experiments either.
In accordance with Warcraft Encyclopedia, along with quests and even a short section within the Illidan book — Illidan taught the blood elves in outland to use demonic energy to sate their addiction. Eventually, Kael’thas did experiment some of his people with the fel and created felblood elves as a result from sucked fel energy (and demon blood) thus becoming demonic as a result – And they’re an entirely different race from Blood Elves because they’ve been warped & changed, much like the Satyr in comparison to the Night Elves (It’s canon that various races of the Legion weren’t demons to start off with and were recruited, and became new demonic races through similar processes).
After returning from Outland, Rommath only showed Blood Elves in Silvermoon how to tap into mana crystals and the mana from creatures, like the mana wyrms – Which was depicted in an example within Burning Crusade cinematic, and even one of the first quests you literally do as a Blood elf in their starter zone, where it also discusses this.