Silver Circle | Night Elf Roleplay

The Silver Circle is a guild of keen-eyed kaldorei who stand vigil over their people and uphold the sacred oath of their forebears; to see Elune’s will for peace fulfilled. The Silversworn are defenders of the Flame of Elune and are ever alert to the rise of new enemies or the resurgence of old. We stand ready to heed the call to arms against the foes of the Elune, the Alliance or those who despoil nature or corrupt Kalimdor.

We offer a friendly and intimate atmosphere, where guild members and allies are engaged and work together to help add to the guild story and the overall feeling of immersion in the role-play community. We strive for an open, pleasant, and fun environment, and welcome members who will add to this, and embrace the tone we already have.

On Wyrmrest Accord & Moon Guard (US-RP)
Type of Guild: Religious / Adventuring
RP Category: Heavy Roleplay (T-rated)
Roster: 40 Member Cap (excluding alts)
Platform(s): Guild Site, Discord, Tumblr
RP Base: Lightsong, Val’sharah

Isil Elun’falo (Silver Flame of Elune) by Sharm, Darnassian lyrics by the Silver Circle.

In-character, members of the Silver Circle strive to fulfill Elune’s will for the world by following a code and set of core values. Their objectives to fulfill Elune’s will are as follows:

Defend the Kaldorei
Stand in defense of the kaldorei people against internal or external threats.

Uphold the Oath to Elune
Cleanse threats to nature or the will of the Goddess.

Honor the Alliance
Answer honorable calls to arms, should the Alliance be attacked.

Out-of-Character, members also follow a code and set of core values. Specifically, members are expected to set an example of good role-playing and social integrity. They seek to engage as many other players as possible in a way that creates an enjoyable and immersive experience for all.

Does a sentinel’s moonglaive pierce the armor of a basilisk or just bounce off its iron-hard scales? Will the ogre believe an outrageous bluff? Can a character swim across a raging river? Can an archer avoid the main blast of a shadowbolt, or does she take full damage from the blaze? In cases where the outcome of an action is uncertain, a player rolls a 20-sided die, a d20, to determine success or failure.

The Silver Circle implements a dynamic d20 roll system inspired by tabletop RPGs that is used for events in-game. Not all Silver Circle events use the system, but many do. To learn more about our D20 system, please visit our website.

:exclamation:Anyone interested in using our D20 System for their own events or guild are welcome to do so.

Serving the Goddess is a challenge and a privilege, and each must follow their own path in Her name. In broad terms, every character's path is unique, though there are several overall paths for characters to choose from.

There are four primary Circle Paths to choose from which are loosely based on the four cultural pillars of the kaldorei people: Wild, Hunt, War and Moon. Each of the four paths is closely tied to the lunar calendar and the yearly cycles, with their own seasonal attunement and corresponding lunar phase. Every path has its own set of ideals, tenants (or laws), pledge, titles and tasks.

These paths are designed provide an extra layer of immersion and extra role-play opportunities for members who wish to get their characters more involved in the community. The paths are fluid and flexible, and tasks for each path can be molded by the player to suit an individual character (similar to themed RP prompts or challenges).

As a kaldorei themed heavy role-play guild, we cater to a healthy blend of gritty realistic and more lighthearted role-playing styles that fit in the World of Warcraft universe. We like new members to show enthusiasm for their characters and a willingness to role-play within the guild’s theme and Warcraft setting in general.

What We Look For

:white_check_mark: Active Characters
:white_check_mark: Lore-abiding Characters
:white_check_mark: Players with a preference for Night Elf Themes
:white_check_mark: Players interested in making new friends
:white_check_mark: Players who enjoy being storytellers

We Don’t Accept

:x: Inactive Characters
:x: Abusive / Dark RP Themes
:x: Demon Hunters /Deathknights
:x: Evil or Corrupt Characters

Those who wish to learn more about the Silver Circle, or who are interested in joining, we invite you to visit our guild website recruitment page to learn about our recruitment process!

Use our Guestbook forum to introduce yourself or ask questions. Please visit our About tab for more details about the guild.


Just stopping by to say that this is an exceptional and beautiful guild recruitment post. Kudos on the work, it is top shelf.


Agreed. Top notch here.


I see the Circle is branching out to Moon Guard :slight_smile:


Oh this is incredible! You are branching out to MG?! <3 Welcome! Have always loved lurking through your website.


Nice to see friends, and especially ones as committed to the fantasy as the circle always has been!


By the blood of the Highborne, the Elves of the Alliance will know victory!


Wonderful people. If you’re interested in Night Elf roleplay, this is the place!


Such a pretty post!


Hot damn, surprised to see Silver Circle popping onto MG finally. Good to see ya about!


The Circle will be heading out to the Dragon Isles next month (February) for our campaign! :dragon:

In the meantime, we will be hanging around Val’sharah in the Broken Isles! Check out our website calendar, as we’ve got a few casual events scattered throughout the month that may be a prime opportunity for you to introduce your character at! :relaxed:

We are super stoked to start this cross realm hybrid guild thing! Anchors for MG side characters can vary from event to event (because of who is hosting) But making an introduction post on our website is the easiest way to get ahold of someone within the guild! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


This is an interesting guild. Mostly wanted to stop by and say the thread looks beautiful.


Clearly, Silver is the best color.


Feyawen is an amazing writer and has a lot of love and care for the Night Elven narrative. if you’re looking for a fantastic night elf guild, I highly recommend the circle! Each member I’ve had the pleasure of interacting with in-character and out has been lovely to hang about with.

Had no idea you all were on MG, though! Lovely to see. <3


We just recently decided to do a sort of ‘hybrid’ thing with the New Year! Having a on both WrA and Moon Guard! It’s been amazing to see and meet so many new Kaldorei RPers lately :face_holding_back_tears:


Do you accept people that are starting to get into rp?

Well done on the post design. Looks great.

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Ishnu’alah Enul!

We are recruit roleplayers at all levels of experience, but we tend to look for the same key elements in new members during that recruitment process. If you’d like to chat about getting into RP, you can reach me on Discord at Feyawen#6264. I’m more than happy to chat about it.

Been AGES since I’ve played my old Highborne. You guys have a presence on MG yet, or still on WRA?

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Hello Valuleth! We are recruiting on both servers. We’re a cross-realm Alliance (Night elf) guild :smiley: