Silly Question - Basilisk eyes

So - Basilisk’s can turn people into stone. Within Warcraft - is that them placing new magic upon a victim OR removing the curse of flesh from a victim temporarily?


I would say new magic, since not everyone race on Azeroth was born of the Curse of Flesh.


It is new magic.

Drainos and orcs are not afflicted by the Curse of Flesh, as Argus and Draenor didn’t have Yogg-Saron to inflict it. Since they can be turned to stone just like everyone else, it must stand to reason that basilisks aren’t interacting with the Curse.

Your question was not silly at all, it’s a valid question to ask!!



does weed cure the curse

I think, since it was shown to work on any victims, even animals and creatures that were not affected by the curse of flash, then i think it have nothing to do with cruse of flesh.

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As some have said, it effects even those not impacted by the curse of flesh.

And also, removing the curse of flesh would not turn someone into a statue. They would be more mechanical as a result. And still functional, not frozen in place.

So, new magic.