Hello! I am the GM for [A] [Bloodsail server] [Eastern] and we are looking for more active players who enjoy Classic WoW! We are a super-small, close-knit, family-oriented guild whose primary focus is 5 man & 10 man content. Most of our members are working adults, so we have more folks online in the late evenings than in the mornings. Our raid schedule is as follows: EoE/Naxx 10 man on Tuesdays at 7:30pm, VoA 10/Ulduar on Friday at 7:30 pm, and OS 10/ Ulduar on Saturday at 7:30pm. We shift things around as needed or according to availability. We are very laid-back, relaxed and helpful. Only requirement’s to raid with us is DBM, Classic Threat Meter, and a positive attitude. Bring your own pots and buff food but we normally have that covered as well. We will teach you if you are inexperienced and progress at a pace that works for all. We have a great environment for folks who love stress free, supportive gaming. If you have a hardcore mentality, then you probably won’t fit in here. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
*We currently need 1 healer to round out our 10 man raid group. We need a Disc Priest, Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman, or Resto Druid. Still accepting all other interested parties as well!
How I can be contacted:
Discord Frey#3529
In game - Frey