Silent Altoholic is LFM DPS for 8.2!

Since we have our roots as a social guild, our core values revolve around treating each other with respect, offering opportunities to grow and try new things, and just doing stuff together.

We are AOTC focused, will run soft Mythic if we get the right crew. Currently we’re 9/9H and 1/9M. Wed/Fri, 8:30-10:30 pm server. We have room for more DPS. Our tank and heal teams are pretty solid right now, but having someone as back-up would be fantastic.

Weekly M+ runs on Sunday afternoons, and pick up runs during the week, folks to run islands or level with, or farm xmog…yep, we’re usually doing something.

Since we’ve been around since 2011 with stable leadership, we’ve got all the goodies of an established guild.
