Skulking, yes, vanishing, no. A rogue stealth with hunters mark but the hunter will still see him and the mark. He can vanish out of it though. But he cant do anything against a damage dot. Serpent sting would be what you want to put on a rogue so he cant slither away into the shadows. And you’re wrong about the private servers. Private vanilla servers used the original world of Warcraft client with 1.12.1 patch, unmodified. How class abilities worked were built into the client, not the server.
Poor reading comprehension, I didn’t make any of these claims.
#Showtooltip Freezing Trap
/stopattack [mod:shift]
/use [mod:shift,combat]!Feign Death
/petpassive [mod:shift]
/petfollow [mod:shift]
/stopcasting [mod:shift]
/use [mod:shift]!Freezing Trap
/use Freezing Trap
This macro actually works, use regular keybind for freezing trap, hold shift to FD/trap. Works better than the others due to the mod:shift double cast with the no mod freeze trap cast and the /stopcasting interrupt.
Also, if you jump right before hitting it (make sure jump has its secondary keybind as shift+spacebar) and hold shift, you can hit the keybind mid air and as soon as you hit the ground you will FD and instantly trap. Jumping and then hitting the macro a few times while mid air will give your pet a slight bit of time delay on leaving combat before the FD/Trap part of the macro kicks in as soon as you hit the ground.
You don’t need to jump before using this, but if you don’t jump you want to press the macro while holding shift a bit faster until the combo goes off.
It did stack-I do remember the hunters in my guild stacking Viper Sting on Obsidian Eradicators in AQ since mana drain was required.
Take a look
Explicitly agreed with everything in the original post except that I don’t remember about diminishing returns; I kinda thought everything shared DR in Vanilla.
Pet pathing is also weird; I’ve had one occasion when pets followed me and a fellow hunter in a jump, which I’m pretty sure never happened in Vanilla. They then didn’t follow us on the next jump, leaving them stranded on an awning.
Lucky hunters! So far, I’ve been unable to keep a pet past 3 hours. Well fed, gaining levels, then POOF! Pet just disappears, never to be seen again.
I’ve never had this experience in 15 years of playing a hunter. For now, I’ve parked that toon till this mess is fixed.
You’re completely wrong on both your points
In vanilla feign death immediately dropped combat, similar to current rogue vanish, regardless of what your pet was doing. You could always get FD/Trap off, even without the animation showing in PvP (the chance to resist FD in PvP didn’t exist). In PvE sometimes you needed to wait a half second for the pet to come back to drop combat and trap/drink, but it certainly wasn’t 3 seconds.
Also when talking about rogues vanishing: hunters mark was never removed by restealthing or using vanish in Vanilla. The spell literally exists exactly for that reason… it kept sight on your target even if they use those abilities. It in fact was a super hard counter for rogues, and was designed to be that way. If the rogue doesn’t kill or lock down a hunter the rogue is totally screwed once the hunter gets distance.
But I love pressing feign death and not a dame thing happnes ( other then it going on cooldown.)
I’m also seeing Intimidation takign a while to be cast. It say’s ON THE NEXT sccefull attack but some how it takes broken tooth of all pet’s 4-6 seconds to attack?
Feign Death needs to be macro’s to /petpassive or /petpassive or /pet follow
FD trap seems to be working now, even in pvp, try this, report back,
/cast freezing trap
/cast feign death
/cast pet passive
/cast freezing trap
spam the hell out of it.
Intimidation is not instant, Autoattack toggles off all the time, Stings should stack, FD sometimes was resisted, but you get a message for that.
Serpent Sting plus Hunter’s Mark keeps them from stealthing, must use both.
I’ve been using the macro since level 30 odd and it really makes no difference to how broken FD is. If a huntard isn’t pulling their pet off from attacking when trying to FD that is just noob behaviour.
It’s really annoying all these people thinking literally every hunter in the world doesn’t know to put pet on petpassive.
Like, it’s not the issue dude, but it’s an impressive feat that you think you are the only one smart enough to do petpassive and we all are unaware of that after playing a hunter for 15 years, and it was normal to do pet passive before a trap in vanilla to begin with, so literally EVERY hunter who is comparing it to their experience in vanilla would know that…
but no, we all don’t know to put the pet on passive! Only you figured that out!!!
SMH… it’s not the issue please stop treating us like morons.
It did stack.
Цасан шуурга нь үхлийн аюултай / хавхлагын алдааг засна уу.
Vanish now drops hunter mark.
This is beyond a joke at this point, may aswell release the 1.12 original client and be done with it
Was a bug in the BC pre-patch, which patch was used in 1.12. Ironic, 'aint it? I remember being annoyed about it on my hunters and really loving it on my rogues. LOL
I can confirm that I am still experiencing all of these bugs, though feign death seems to be working most of the time for me. Hopefully we can get these issues on Blizzard’s radar like the Feign Death bug (it was great that jumped on and started working on that)
Giantstalker set doesn’t increase mend pet range.
Giantstalker set doesn’t increase mend pet range.
aaand…it’s still ugly!
But seriously the blue post stated it would take some time to chase out all of these bonus gear/buff stacking bugs.