Signature spell talent reded out?

Hey guys I noticed that on my hero talent tree the signature spell talent is reded out why is this?

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When a hero talent is red it means you haven’t taken a regular talent which is required for the hero talent to work. In the case of Signature Spell that’s Glacial Spike for Frost or Touch of the Magi for Arcane.

This is a bug I’ve noticed too. Everything works other than the UI display bugging out, though

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That node on the arcane spellslinger tree stays red for me regardless of which hero talent I pick. It does make me wonder what triggered it to appear like that despite working correctly earlier in TWW.

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its weird because I have glacial spike talented.

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It’s a known bug…

Is it? I switched to Spellslinger after they gutted Sunfury and I have never encountered it, although I haven’t really played at all lately so if it’s a recent thing I might have missed it.

Yep it’s a bug I tried Frost for one second and it was redded out even though I was talented into GS

Sorry, you are technically correct, but its a bug.

But fear not, its just a UI bug, I have tested and I still shoot 2 Glacial Spike with Winter’s Chill

i fixed my spells accordingly but it still leave the signature spell red. and wont let me apply the changes. so i cant use that spell at all

Apparently it’s just a visual bug that was introduced at some point and they still haven’t gotten around to fixing it. The talent works properly though, even though it appears redded out.

Easily fixed by pressing N → Specialization → Fire