<Sigil> [H] Guild Looking for AOTC Players (Wed/Thurs 8-10 CST)

Hello. We’re Sigil and we’re looking for folks who are interested in running Heroic Raids with us and getting Ahead Of The Curve in patch 10.2! We’re currently looking for DPS and healers to fill out the rest of our roster. Our guild consists of mostly older players with families and careers. It’s a laid back group and we’d love to have some more people to run dungeons and raids with.

Our schedule is Wed/Thurs 8:00-10:00 Server time. Feel free to contact me here or on Discord waza1327.

See y’all!

I would be interested in joining! zeus 1608. is my battlenet. I have been thinking about raiding with my paladin or druid so can help fill a hybrid dps/healer roll. let me know! cheers.