*sigh* RIP Barrage

  • [Barrage] Rapidly fires a spray of shots for 3 sec, dealing an average of [ 234.2% [ 156.2% of Attack Power ] Physical damage to all enemies in front of you. Usable while moving. Requires Ranged Weapon. Beast Mastery/Marksmanship Hunter - Level 90 Talent. Beast Mastery/Marksmanship Hunter - Level 90 Talent. 60 Focus. 40 yd range. 3 sec cast (Channeled). 20 sec cooldown.

Blizzard detected BM’s getting around the horrible pet nerfs. I just don’t even know anymore with this company.

Source: https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/8186-Patch-8-1-0-PTR-Build-28616


I don’t know how bad this nerf is, but in my opinion, barrage will still be very useful in outdoor/solo. One of my favorite abilities when I solo.

i only ever use Barrage as BM and in underrot why you would ever take this beats me yes it dose ok aoe in M+ but one miss click and rip your party just stack mastery as BM for M+ and be king on pack dps that is why your there for and the despell as well as the hero if you need it Barrage is a spell that every hunter i know only use it on underrot for the last boss

It’s primarily used for battlegrounds… If you don’t pvp you probably don’t use barrage.

I’m hearing from the MM discord that this is a tooltip error and actually works out to be a ~4.5% buff to Barrage. Will update if I find anything further.

crosses fingers

This nerf is for BM and MM.

This is stupid. The ability is already essentially only really practical for farming old content. Why reduce the risk/reward factor in current content?

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i dont even use Barrage on when im on bm or suv hunter.

This…It’s basically being used as a band aid for the over nerfs the spec has received in pvp. Does it make up for the nerfs? Not at all, but it at least gave the spec some damage back it lost.

If this is indeed a nerf, then with the buff to KC, the spec will essentially be doing the same mid tier damage it’s already doing.

They seriously need to revisit all the pvp nerfs and either revert or adjust some of them.


Uhhh there is no way any BM hunter who is actually trying to push rating would ever use barrage in an arena setting like what??

Sorry, I wasn’t aware arena was the only form of pvp in this game


i think about 3 or 4 barbed shots can equal or out dps barrage.you start out with 2 barbed shots and get some procs way faster then waiting 20dec for barrages cd.i havent even touched barrage this expansion.

with stomp that is:)


Whatever you say… guess the numbers on my log after a clash in the middle are wrong then. :rofl:

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The only place I use Barrage is on Mythrax as one cast gets people out of the orbs. And I don’t have to target the person in the orb to cast it. So, my pet stays on boss and person gets out of orb. That is about it though. I love barrage personally. Knowing how to use it properly was always the fun part.

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