Siege of Orgrimmar Bug - Galakras

There is a glitch/bug during the Galakras encounter when you enter the canon on tower 1 after it has been cleared. Often, when “solo’ing” this content I cannot aim the canon vehicle correctly because of the angle of the “target graphic” can’t move high enough to target all of the drakes. I know some changes with this encounter have occurred to make it easier to solo but this happens frequently. Thanks to RNG I run this every week on multiple characters and I would say it happens about more than half the time. This bug isn’t fixed by jumping out and back in. It then requires that the second tower be cleared (which I have never experienced it with the second canon). This can cause what should be a quicker, painful, long Groundhog Day of a SoO run to be just a little bit longer.

Edit: This has been occurring for months.*


Yeah, aiming the cannon can be a pain. Sometimes, just have to time it right and then spray and pray.

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I’ve never had this issue until the latest patch. Can’t move the target even with all the hotfixes they’ve been adding in (obviously wasn’t to fix that I guess). Given the encounter 3 tries. I give up.

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I might know what you’re talking about. Do you get the target bubble thing stuck around your character, unable to move it up to where the targets are? If so, I’ve had that happen and I think it has something to do with killing one of the drakes and having it land near the cannon. If that happens, it’s body will block to targeting reticle. (For some reason Firefox doesn’t seem to think “reticle” is a word.)


This may be of help:

When I have to kill Galakras, I just try not to kill any of the Drakes while I’m clearing the top of the tower.

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I think OP’s issue isnt being respected here. The Gal fight is BUGGED. The cannon you get into cannot aim the projectile properly which prevents players from hitting the dragon. The instance is bugged.

What I found that worked: Out of combat, I closed my client and re-launched the game. I started the fight again and I didn’t encounter the problem. Give it a shot.


its also been proven that you shouldn’t shoot the drakes caz if there body will drop on/ close to the cannon and bug it out

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unless you’re a death knight literally hitting the drakes with virulent plague :slight_smile:

my favorite, more things that being unholy breaks in this game. i think i’ll go back out to voldun and destroy world quest butterflies next

The corruption powers can also pop off and hit them. Any of the aoe ones can bug it

Can confirm this bug, had the aimer pointing out the back of the cannon today on the first tower…twice.


Still bugged…can’t aim on either tower. Also when trying to destroy the cannons get stuck in combat, which takes ages to drop.

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bit of a necro there bud.

as said above. dont hit the flying drakes and its fine. its there corples landing on/close to the cannon that f’s it up. if you got aoe attacks prob dont use them or try and aim away from the drakes. after that its just fire the cannon at galakras

Unfortunately what he is talking about is when the cannon literally shoots and it will always hit itself and go no further. It’s a stupid glitch that should have been more permanently fixed YEARS ago. You can’t shoot farther than like 2 feet. Period.


FWIW, this is still happening. Frustrating to waste so much time on such a prolonged fight, and not be able to finish it off.

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as has been said, just dont aoe at the top of the tower and you should be fine

this is absolutely ridiculous, stuff like this shouldn’t exist in a game we pay monthly for. for 3 years now.


It is outrageous that this is still happening. You fight all this way and get stuck. I’ve tried completely closing the game and opening it again… still can’t hit with the cannons. They are aimed low and can’t even hit the base of the towers, let alone the enemy cannons nor the drakes.

Having this same problem currently, how do you break something that used to work well enough.


Still having this issue too. Either the cannon needs to be fixed (the whole thing is wonky even when it doesn’t bug out) or a skip needs to be added. Lots of buggy fights in this raid.

4 year old topic, still not fixed. Nice!