Siege of Orgrimmar broken

Galakras cannot be brought down. Tried two times, definitely hit him at least 8 times on one attempt, and he just keeps on flying.


Having the same issue


Having the same issue. It appears that either the stun duration has changed or the cannon shot cooldown has because it’s no longer possible to shoot it twice to knock her down if you are doing this solo. Guess it’s back to the old fashioned way of duoing the fight because you’ll need both cannons.

Edit: For clarification the cooldown on the cannon is like half a second longer than the stun duration, if you look closely the stun ends just before the second shot can be fired. Its so close it almost looks seamless.

I get throught to opening the doors of the first tower, and immediately tower strength drops to about 70%, no adds up anywhere. Fight to the top, kill some of the adds, and tower power drops to 0, leading to the tower’s cannon not doing anything but stunning galakras. I have duplicated this on 2 seperate characters, different classes, both 70.

Update : I logged in today to see my SOO lockout had been reset. Eagerly, I ran there, got back to Galakras… and … Nope, still behaving the same way.

Get the first tower open, kill the guys on the stairs, tower strength drops to 70ish percent. Get to the top, kill the guys on the roof and immediately the tower power goes to zero, and Galakras is unkillable due to it.

Same thing happened with me. I was a bit disappointed, but honestly I just run it because it usually takes about that long for my zzzquil to kick in.

yea i just tried recently myself and it’s bugged as well…

Ran this yesterday and still had a problem :frowning:

Still broken. Nearly a month is pretty ridiculous.

At this point I’ve given up that it’ll be fixed.

Obviously Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about us. Almost two months AND IT IS STILL BROKEN!

not sure why they would care about people trying to solo content meant to be done in a group

It doesn’t work most of the time in a group either. I’ve tried a few dozen time and it doesn’t matter if both cannons hit, she just won’t drop.

They have completely f’d up the raid.

Because its been soloable up until they bugged it in a patch.
Because some people have never done it and can only do it solo.
Because of the mount and transmogs.

Bugged. Fix it. Just wasted like 2 hours trying to get a damn transmog. Stupid how long some of these decade+ old fights take anyway.

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Thanks for the update, I was going to try it again but didn’t want to waste time if it was still broken so I’ve been holding off.