Siege of Dragonbane keep timer needs to be fixed

Looking at the map before arriving in TWS. On the map there is a horn which says it starts in 10 minutes. Get to the starting place and there are no npc’s there and there is no timer on the map. Fly out to OP to check the map to see if it was a bug. Looking at the map again over TWS and the timer is back and says it starts in 9 minutes. Arrive at the starting point again. Still no npc’s and the timer is gone again…
When the timer said it should start the npc’s showed up and the timer on the map was gone again. Guess I have to wait for another hour then…


This stupid event has been borked since day 1. Basically it is not possible to see accurate data on world events unless you are in the zone that they are based in. Additionally, the count down timer for the siege event (for some breathtakingly stupid reason) still counts down AFTER the event has ended (if you are outside the zone). This means that if the event timer has a time of anything less than 50min, then you have already missed the event since the event started at the 60th min and only takes about 10min to complete. You can always tell when the event ends if you are in the zone because you will get pinged that the Captain Lancer rare has spawned. He only spawns the moment the siege event ends.

In short, whoever was put in charge of programming the siege event needs to be taken off the world content team.


been trying to complete this for 2 days now, it never seems to start. the cart is there, the npcs are there but it never starts

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Seems like it starts every 2nd hour on the odd hour server time. Done it 4 times since Tuesday.

That’s because the timer is inaccurate and has been since day 1. There are actually 2 timers to this event. 1 counts down the time until the event starts. The other counts down the time the area is neutral for. This secondary timer is what confuses everyone. When you add these 2 timers together, you get the actual count down time which is 2 hours. So the timers give you a false impression that there’s only a 1 hour interval between events when the actual interval is every 2 hours. Essentially the secondary timer is a timer for when the actual real timer begins.

This is made further complicated by the fact that if you view the event timer from outside the Waking Shores, you will get inaccurate count down times due to the horn symbol not being removed after the event ends and the secondary timer activating.

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There is a tracker on Wowhead’s front page. Look for “Forces Gathering,” because basically anything else it says means you’ve missed it. At the time of posting, another event starts in 12 min (5 am eastern).


Don’t have access to Wowhead :frowning: Living on the wrong side of the world… And don’t want VPN either.

Well, if you have access to, you can look for a weakaura that shows a timer. Like this one: (no idea how accurate it is, it’s just the most current one I see, with a lot of installs)

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If the cart shows up after the hour mark, to where it feels like maybe its just starting a few minutes late, that means come back in like 55 minutes. From what I can tell anyway.

It happens every even hour.

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