Side Project Character: Reformed Thuzadin

I would genuinely like to ask for opinions on this side character I’ve had sitting around collecting dust.

She is a grown adult, 42 to be specific. She once followed the Thuzadin, though after years of [redacted]. She had a change of heart and she left the organization. I have her currently listed as a reformed thuzadin (reformed shadowcaster). I am just interested in other opinions on this matter, the current mog I have her wearing makes her look cultist like. I originally had this idea as she clung to what shadows she had left for what little comfort she could find.

However; I realize that Stormwind is a large place. We’ve had the Man’ari (and no, this isn’t a call out, just a minor comparison). She looks pretty dang cultist like and evil. If I pull down or remove the hood and mask, she would still be pale with the markings of the Thuzadin across her face and body.

I am curious to know your opinion and perspectives on this. Like the title says, its a side project character. I’ve never seen this route ever get taken or used in regards to Humans.

This character might not even get made fully.

Thanks for your time and if you post, your thoughts.


Reformed Thuzadin has a pretty nice name to it rather than calling it as a shadowcaster. Though for current “wow status and everything” I think she would be fine fitting in well with the other shadowcasters/warlocks within the city… I mean as long as she doesn’t preach Undead Scourge and sewing up corpses to form aboms and such…

I mean that would be an ordinary RP person, but those who are attuned to lore and see such markings and tattoo’s would probably identify her as someone who is recruiting to reviving the teachings of Kel’Thuzad if she was spotted in the city… Don’t really want another witch hunt or bashing etc. but hey play as you like.

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The community at large is extremely accepting of these sorts of characters now (to a degree that they probably shouldn’t be IMO but that’s a separate issue). Do be aware however that there are still some folks around that probably wouldn’t take very kindly to them; hardcore Lordaeron types for example may not care about the “reformed” label.

The path to redemption is an arduous one with the journey not so easily made alone. And while regimes and ideologies may rise and fall, your skills will always be a valuable commodity to the right organization. Fear not hiding your markings from the world, for they are your resume of expertise.

The world is changing so rapidly and the fear and misunderstanding outlook on Undeath is slowly beginning to fade. We are no more an unnatural abomination than mortals of living flesh when looked upon by these Titans of creation. The “Curse of Flesh” is what they call it I believe? They are all fools.

Souls bound to mechanized automatons have less disdain surrounding them. As do the very elements of Azeroth when given awareness and individuality. We are all merely souls piloting a vessel in the end, no matter the shape or condition of it’s creation.

Do not shun your talents in favor of questionable acceptance. No. Embrace your true self and find understanding and companionship with the rest of us. Build a new life for yourself, one free from judgement or persecutions.

And if your skills prove as viable as I hope them to, then they may be quite profitable to you as well. :smiling_imp:

I want to thank you for posting in this thread. Like I said, I don’t know if it’ll get off the ground. Just sort of a side project like the title says.

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