Sick and tired of being yanked all the time

How many classes have abilities now that can pull enemies from where they stand? Seems like a clear majority now, and it’s beyond frustrating. No wonder nobody wants to heal random BG’s anymore, after putting up with that horse puckey.

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Don’t listen to OP I love healing randoms and there’s nothing better than getting gripped 500 times in a bg.


I love when dks grip me away from the three ankle biting melee eating my bear butt.

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I run headlong into ankle biting melee. I’m more annoyed when a friendly priest grips me away

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Hi :smiley: Have I been called?

Pretty sure there is still only one class that can grip you. Now knock backs are a little different but that’s a lot harder to use as a pseudo-grip.

DKs did get some additional grips through covenants though I think


Sometimes I’m randomly teleported in the middle of the enemy team with no animation. I don’t know who does that. lol

Warriors can grip you with the Kyrian covenant, and druids can do it too with the tornado thing. These all have an animation.

I’m missing one where I’m randomly teleported into the enemy team with no animation! XD

It’s a warlock pvp ability, it teleports you to their casting circle. It has an animation though

grip? 3 enemy specs & 2 ally specs. However doesn’t one of the DK specs have ability to double grip or something? There was one game where my teammate was like a dang pinball. he got gripped to the fight. I gripped him out, he got gripped back in, and than another priest gripped him out, and than another dk gripped him in, and than he never was seen again.

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Yep, totally a thing… fun if you’re playing on the DK - not so fun otherwise :rofl:

ahh I remember the old days when dk’s were brand new and you could get gripped 3-5 times within 5 seconds cuz half+ their team was dk’s fighting for their targets

Abomb limb and Warrior Kyrian cov ability, both are annoying af

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just grip from the other side. only takes two to align a good pull from healer even if CC’d.

sometimes its the opposite that is awkward. just saying

It’s fun in epic bgs where your team dks coordinate to chain grip key healers or maybe the orb carrier in ashran (forgot what it’s called that item which gives you big buffs).

I don’t see grips as being an issue. It’s a pretty useful ability that gives organized teams an upper hand in a fight, and promotes good counter play. However, like the guy above said, getting LoF’d by friendly healers is a nightmare sometimes.

Ever get knocked off the edge in EotS and take their healer with you?

/s Get over here!

Neural Silencer ftw