i can not complete Take no prisoners it was working fine till i accidently exited the scenario while shooting hozen. it disconnected me automatically i log back in and it restarted it to the begining and every time i kill the guards sully dosnt move and falls through the earth.
also happening to me right now
And now me as well
just scanned and repaired my files on battle net and got it working after
Scanning did not fix it for my client. What did fix it though was, dropping quest, then disabling all addons, and then turning all graphics settings all the way down or off. Then exiting client, and reloading. When I restarted the quest it worked. I can’t tell you what of all of that fixed it, but thats the process I did that did fix it.
Thanks this worked for me
This didn’t work for me , thanks though. Now I can’t advance through MOP Remix
Has anyone discovered any other fixes for this? I’ve tried everything mentioned above and I’m still having the issue where the dwarf clips into the ground and the quest can’t advance.
I’m having the same issue. I’ve tried everything above as well and nothings worked so far.
I changed my Ui to one of the presets and it worked for me.
Try pressing alt+z to make sure you’re not missing any of them. This will ide your HUD. That was my issue, but may not be someone else’s.
This worked for me! Thank you so much!
This is exactly what I did and cannot find a fix, I have turned off all Addons, relogged into game, dropped quest and picked it back up. I kill all monkeys but Sully doesnt move. I tried the Alt+Z, All monkeys are killed.
alt/option-z (hiding the hud) is what worked for me. There was one baddie to shoot who was hidden behind the hud.