Shuffle-mute addon

We can hit it up for almost 2 hours. That’s enough time for me to show y’all how bad I am lol. Send it

Hey I got an understand priest also. Both I just afk rss and cap for gear

When someone goes 0-6, DPS or healer, take away their rating and evenly divide it among the other 5 players.

Well, for me, the 0-6 DPS situation happens frequently (0-6 healer is rare). But, as I stated above, I don’t mind giving rating to everyone else when a healer goes 0-6.

Okay,I disagree
I think that’s a bad idea compared to just doing nothing

Fair enough.

Healers in general i would put here. I frequently get yelled at for not being a tourney player, or something… its so gross.

if you right click your chat there is an option called settings

Click that and there is an option to disable all chat; both receiving and sending any type of chat in the game.

Anytime I start Q’ing whether it’s in LFG or solo shuffle I disable chat because of how easily people get chat banned these days.

Isn’t it ironic that the social contract ended up being an anti-social contract

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I searched as well for the chat API.

They can have an API basically just turn off all chat windows (or whichever ones they want) while in arenas or when they login by using RemoveChatWindowChannel and probably use AddChatWindowChannel to put the chats back on

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Tried turning chat back on, got a warning last night. Back off it went. Will stay off anytime I do rss anymore.
If I can’t tell someone to quit being an idiot then I don’t need to tell them great job either.
No point in talking to any partners in rss

just remind yourself when youre getting tilted or do something else and it gets easier.

You don’t need an addon for this. All that you need to do is create a new chat window and name it RSS. Then you leave every channel in that tab. When you enter a RSS just click that tab to be primary.

I do the same thing for my Trade Chat Tab.

But do you not vote? Where else are you going to get your political advice if you mute trade chat?


I think that this Country is in it’s current state because people listened to the Trade Chat politico’s.

ED is one of the biggest offenders.

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ED is politics, anal achievement spam, or someone making fun of swole


Yeah I mean you literally can get chat warnings for asking someone to plz press defensives before they die if they dont’ like it.

Literally zero reason to communicate at all in RSS

Behavior warnings? The little popups near your map? Those just let you know that you’re being reported, even if it’s for nothing.

Yes, it’s called not looking at your chat

You can also make a new chat window and name it ARENA and disable the party/say/yell chat from it

So then how are you gonna communicate kill targets before the start of the match?

Wow. Rude.

Or just talk instead of doing that… Lol