Made a WA to help with solo shuffle communication

This WeakAura allows players to quickly send out preset messages (without needing to make a bunch of macros) and detects enemys with dynamic call outs. This aims to allow those who do not want to voice chat or players in solo shuffle to quickly communicate specific information mid game

hope it helps you guys! Inspired by OW2/Apex Radial menus


  • Clickable Icons that send out preset messages (no protected frames!)
  • Rounded design (no masque + plugins or addons required!)
  • Arena 123 Dynamic Enemy detection for target calling (for pre match strats & mid game swaps)
  • Healer Profile to call out defensives. positioning and more
  • Dps Profile to call out dispels, targets and more

Future Development:

  • Add sounds/voice lines to buttons that will play for all uses with WA installed
  • Replace/update buttons and add new commands based off feedback
  • Load specifc call outs based on what comp/class you are fighting


This is actually really cool! Great work!!


Wow this is pretty cool. TY for this.

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that’s pretty cool

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As an elemental enjoyer, I feel personally attacked.

This is gonna trigger my Genji Need Healing PTSD.


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Missing “go sham” and “this hunter’s trash” but otherwise looks good.


for anyone taking the traditional macro route, and just adding /p callouts for their CC.

%T is your targets name

%F is your focus name.

So if I put exalter on focus, and did like

/cast [@focus] Polymorph
/p Poly on %F

it would read

Varick//Party: Poly on Exalter


This is awesome OP. Thank you!

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Need Mozambique here and just a ?


awesome idea, thanks for making this

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I would add spread out for those not aware they are getting cleaved.

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That’s messed up


Wow if all the ret complainers would just take Varick’s tip, they might not die to wings.

thanks, let me know what buttons your find useful or unnecessary. this is v1. I hope to improve the WA with feedback from you guys!

hahah yea was thinking about making a meme version profile :laughing:

great feedback, thanks. Will be changing/adding buttons based on feedback


Can you change the fox face at the top? I don’t want to think about Kennie or foxes in general.


sure find me an icon that symbolizes hello!

Melee DPS have a 96% chance of resisting command “Use a Defensive”.