Shrouded Timewarped Coin is still bugged and not dropping

Many of my alts have been bugged and not gotten the Shrouded Timewarped Coin to drop upon completing a dungeon and this has been going on for about 2 months now.

Are your alts low-level?

This also approximately matches your “a couple of months” timeline.

If this pattern of facts applies, it’s not a bug. It’s an intentional choice (and one which was explicitly documented in patch notes, which doesn’t always happen).

Can confirm it happens to me too. Even on my alts that are 70 or 71 I will not get a coin. Seems to work on my level 80s

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Well, that’s different than what’s documented, so I’m glad you’re reporting it.

Highlights why its important to be as detailed as possible when reporting a bug. Makes me wonder why classic bug report has these instructions when making a new topic, but retail bug report has literally nothing.

It’s happened to me on a level 72 and a level 80 alt. Both on day one of the new timewalking (1/7).

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Mine were on my level 80 Druid and Shaman. I tried on Tuesday, Wednesday, and now today Thursday (1/7, 1/8, 1/9) and can’t get the coin to drop from the end boss of the dungeon I queue into.

Can confirm as well.
Main obtains within 1-2 runs, numerous level 80 alts and not a single one has dropped for any of them after the 5 runs for the quest.

I believe it may due to attempting to restrain how many TW badges can be easily obtained with it. But this is just a hypothesis.

Coin just dropped for an alt I’m levelling at level 33 after quite a few dungeons. (01/09/2025) First alt it has dropped for - and I have 20 total level 80s 19 of which have not dropped it yet. I’m unsure of what is going on.

Worth noting it is currently an active timewalking week during a 7 week timewalking event and this is STILL a problem being ignored.


Fixed in latest hotfixes