Shrink PvP ILVL gap between tiers?

Instead of making PvP gear scale up 13 ilvls in PvP, how about making it scale up 20 ilvls in PvP and then shrinking the ilvl upgrade between teirs to 3-4 ilvls instead of 7?

So, if this had been applied to S1, then BG gear would be 190 PvE/217 PvP (-7/+20) and conquest gear would start at 193 ilvl in PvE and 220 ilvl in PvP. PvE ilvl would scale normally. But for PvP it would scale up in smaller increments. So 1.4k would be 223, 1.6k would be 227, 1.8k would be 230, 2.1k would be 233.

I don’t think people need a 7 ilvl carrot per tier to chase to incentivize them to do rated PvP. A 3 ilvl carrot per tier is enough. You’d retain the RPG gearing/incentivization/reward system while making the playing field alot more fair.


go hard or go home.

100 ilvl gap for every 200 CR.

casual noobs should just auto die when they walk within 500 yards of a rated pvp beast whos put in the work.


Thanks for the thread. The pvp interview already talked about potentially moving to 3 ilvl per bracket


I’m suggesting something different than what I think Holinka was suggesting. If you watch the interview, he is suggesting that they introduce MORE tiers of PvP gear.

So, I take this to mean that instead of getting 7 ilvls every 200 rating, you get 3 ilvls every 100 rating.

But the difference between base conquest and fully upgraded conquest gear would still be the same. There would just me twice as many 3 ilvl tiers in between instead of half as many 7 ilvl tiers.

I’m suggesting an overall shrinking of the ilvl disparity between base pvp/conquest gear and fully upgraded conquest by halving ILVL disparity WITHOUT doubling the number of upgrade tiers.

See the interview at around the 18:50 mark.

And yet they haven’t implemented that change. It should be obvious to everyone that the devs dont care about the game in general much less pvp.

Correct they have not implemented the change as we’re actively inside of a season. These changes happen with a new season.

The devs clearly care about pvp as there was a good amount of honor talent revamping and we were made aware their plan is to up each specs lethality in an effort for faster games where mistakes cause you to lose very quickly.

Pvp appears to be dead ATM with a massive flux of doomposters sounding the alarm of apocalypse on all internet platforms they can but this has been going on since classic and in every game you can think of – really shadowlands pvp was good not perfect very high participation and lots of comp diversity.

Bulk of complaints came from gear but that’s obvious if someone can’t compete in the game for the rewards they will say the pvp sucks when it’s really just them ~~ someone who’s not great at fishing is going to go home and say fishing sucks.

I’m talking about how it isn’t implemented on the PTR. I don’t think they will change anything until the season after next (if there is one). They are too slow and too arrogant to change things after one season.

Reverse handicapping pvp is beyond dumb. You can’t out play a 227 boosted toon when you are wearing 213 or worse. You just can’t. Imagine giving LeBron 10 points for a basket in 1v1 because he is better than you. Until Blizzard fires a certain ‘Elitist Jerk’ pvp will continue to decline.


PTR isn’t over yet.

There’s still time.

fingers crossed

Yes you absolutely can. It took 62 games for my friends rsham to hit 1800 in 2s and he was wearing full covenant gear at 198 ilvl .

A good player will end up at the rating they are supposed to

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Yeah yeah. Alpha isn’t over yet. Beta isn’t over yet. Their Xmas vacation isn’t over yet. Easter isn’t over yet. Summer isn’t over yet. PTR isn’t over yet…nothing changes with Blizzard.


No dude. Just stop. Not going to argue this with you.

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Dozer had something to do with that.

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Some amount of ilvl tiering tied to rating incentivizes people to push rating and leads to more overall participation I think. The problem is when the ilvl disparity is too big.


God bless Volk for carrying Dozer to 1800 on a naked rsham. What an actual legend


Fully agree! A normal standard mmorpg progression system and it works!

Obviously as you pointed out disparity can be too great (they’re aware and looking at a fix) and unfortunately players that cannot compete cannot get good rewards but that’s how life works. Doomposting is a result of entitled crowd that thinks simply playing the game should result in a bis character and will find any excuse to cover their own

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Not for a second for me man. Ilvl tied to rating encourages

Boosting (yes it’s always around but much more prevalent)
Fotm rerollers

Wow pvp is the only competitive game mode anywhere where the higher level players also get a gear advantage. Would you look at that. It’s dead af.

I played infinitely more arenas mop-legion. Rating locked gear is legitimately anti competition.


All of these things happen regardless of rating locked gear or not.

The only reason boosting has become so prevalent is the dead ladder at the higher end (purely from the mmr nerf).

They all happen more when gear is rating locked.

Regardless. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s legitimately anti competition. What competitive game or real life sports pits better people vs worse people and expects the worse people to play at a disadvantage? Welcome to how awesomely popular wow PvP has become :roll_eyes:


Based on the interview w/Holinka, it sounds like they want to keep some RPG element so rating scaling doesn’t sound like it’s going away yet. But, per my original post, if the disparity between starter PvP gear and fully upgraded gear were as small as I’m suggesting, then I don’t think it would be nearly as big of an issue as it is now.

Yup I saw. So dumb honestly. Don’t think I’ve logged into retail since I heard that interview. PvE is all about rp slaying dragons. PvP is about competition. Most pvpers don’t care to roleplay lol

Eh I still wouldn’t bother to play. If I want to get my competition fix I’ll play actually competitive games. Honestly the 9.1 changes with pvers not wanting to PvP anymore. Anyone want to place bets on season 2 being even deader than season 1?